Resi. 2023. The Effect of Using Traditional Musical Instrument Train Media on
the Ability to Recognize the Concept of Numbers and Fine Motor Skills in
Kindergarten Group A at the Singapore National Academy. Thesis. Master of Basic
Education Study Program Concentrating on Early Childhood Education. Surabaya
State University Postgraduate. Advisor (I) Prof. Dr. Budi Purwoko, S.Pd.,
M.Pd., and Advisor (2) Nurchayati, S.Psi., M.A., Ph.D.,
train traditional musical instruments, number concept, fine motor
This study aimed to determine the effect of the
application of traditional musical instrument train media on the ability to
recognize the concept of numbers and fine motor skills in group A at the
Singapore National Academy.
This study uses a quantitative experimental research
design and has a control group. Researchers provide treatment in the form of
learning by using the media to train traditional musical instruments, make
observations and assessments in children's learning activities in class, and
take measurements before and after treatment.
This study uses the Nonequivalent Control Group Design
or experimental design with Quasi-Experimental. The experimental group and the
control group cannot be chosen randomly. The subjects in this study were all
children aged 4–5 years or the TK A Kindergarten (TK) group of ELC Montessori
Singapore National Academy (SNA), totaling 40 children.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be
interpreted that using traditional musical instrument trains affects the
ability to recognize the number concept of fine motor skills in group A at the
Singapore National Academy. It is known from the existence of significant
differences in recognition of the concept of numbers and fine motor skills
between before (pretest) and after (posttest) receiving treatment of
traditional musical instrument trains in the experimental group. Thus the
oneway Anova hypothesis test in the study, which stated "there is an
effect of using traditional musical instrument trains on the ability to
recognize the number concept of fine motor skills in group A at the Singapore
National Academy," is proven to be true. From the research results, it is
known that the application of learning media through traditional musical
instrument trains has a positive and sound effect in improving and developing
the ability to recognize number concepts and fine motor skills in early
childhood so that they are very suitable for be applied during the learning
process in class.