Kata kunci: Problem Based Learning with Argumentation (PBLA), keterampilan
berpikir kritis, SMP
Tujuan penelitian adalah menghasilkan model PBLA yang valid, praktis, dan efektif sehingga layak untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga fase, yaitu fase pendahuluan, prototipe, dan asesmen. Desain uji coba menggunakan pra-eksperimen dengan one group pretest-posttest design. Subyek uji coba terbatas dan uji coba luas pada 52 siswa terdiri atas 2 kelas, masing-masing kelas berjumlah 26 siswa SMPN 1 Galur. Subyek implementasi pada 267 siswa terdiri atas 96 siswa (3 kelas) SMPN 1 Wates, 78 siswa (3 kelas) SMPN 1 Galur, dan 93 siswa (3 kelas) SMPN 2 Lendah. Pengumpulan data melalui penilaian validitas pakar, tes, pengamatan, dan angket. Teknik analisis data secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, n-gain, uji t berpasangan/uji Wilcoxon, uji Anova/uji Mann-Whitney/uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) validitas isi model PBLA ditinjau dari kebutuhan akan pengembangan model dan kebaruan pengetahuan ilmiah dalam kriteria sangat valid, (2) validitas konstruk model CRBL ditinjau dari saling konsistensi antar komponen model dalam kriteria sangat valid, (3) validitas komponen perangkat pembelajaran dalam kriteria sangat valid, (4) keterlaksanaan model pada uji coba terbatas maupun uji coba luas dalam kriteria baik/sangat baik, (5) keterampilan berpikir kritis meningkat signifikan dalam kriteria sedang pada uji coba luas dan dalam kriteria sedang/tinggi pada implementasi, (6) aktivitas siswa meningkat signifikan dalam kriteria tinggi pada uji coba luas dan kriteria sedang pada implementasi, dan (7) siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap perangkat pembelajaran dan proses pembelajaran pada uji coba luas dan implementasi. Diperoleh simpulan bahwa model PBLA valid, praktis, dan efektif sehingga layak untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning with Argumentation (PBLA), critical
thinking skills, junior high school.
The aim of this study is to develop PBLA model that is valid, practical, and effective so it is feasible for improving student’s critical thinking skills. This study is divided into three phases, preliminary phase, prototype phase, and assessment phase. Design of try out used pre-experiments with one group pretest-posttest design. The number of subjects for the limited trial test was fifty-two students that consists of 2 classes, each class amount to 26 students from Public Junior High School 1 Galur. The subjects of implementation in 267 students consisted of 96 students (3 classes) Public Junior High School 1 Wates, 78 students (3 classes) Public Junior High School 1 Galur, and 93 students (3 classes) Public Junior High School 2 Lendah.The data collection process was going trough the validation from the experts, test, observation, and questionnaire. The data analysis process was using quantitative-qualitative descriptive, n-gain, and paired t-test/Wilcoxon test, Anova/Mann-Whitney/Kruskal-Wallis test. The result of research shows: (1) the content validity of PBLA model in terms of the needs and state of the art knowledge has highly valid criteria, (2) the construct validity of PBLA model of consistency has highly valid criteria, (3) the components of learning package have highly valid criteria, (4) implementation phases of PBLA in the limited trial test and the wider in good/highly criteria,(5) critical thinking skills increased significantly in moderate criteria in wider trial and moderate/highly criteria in the implementation, (6) student activity increased significantly in moderate criteria in wider trial and moderate/highly criteria in the implementation, (7) students responded positively to the learning package and the process that has been done. It’s concluded that PBLA model developed was valid, practical, and effective to improve student’s critical thinking skills.