Procurement of government goods and services carried out through e-catalog applications can make
government procurement of goods and services efficient, the time required is shorter, the administration process
also becomes simple. The procurement of goods through the E-Catalog application at the Inspectorate of East
Java Province still faces problems in the implementation process, including the length of vendor response when
ordering goods have been carried out and delays in the delivery of ordered goods. This research was conducted
using qualitative methods with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques were collected using
interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are used through four stages, namely data
collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Procurement of goods and services using this
e-catalog application discusses the application of the principles of procurement of goods and services in
Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018 concerning Procurement of Government Goods and Services with
reference to the Head of LKPP Regulation No. 6 of 2016 concerning Electronic Catalog and E-purchasing.
The results of research on the application of the principles of procurement of goods and services namely,
Efficient, Procurement of goods through the e-catalog application can save the budget, but in the procurement of
motorized land transportation equipment is not in accordance with the set targets. Effective, the results of the
procurement of goods carried out through the e-catalog application for all processes have been carried out with a
fast time and in accordance with the provisions, but for shipping the goods occur delays. Transparent, RUP
(General Procurement Plan) displayed on SIRUP (General Procurement Plan Information System) contains all
procurement information and can be known by the goods and service providers. Open, procurement of goods in
the Inspectorate of East Java Province has been announced through SIRUP (General Procurement Plan
Information System) accessible to all the general public as well as providers of goods and services. Competing,
Procurement of motorized land transportation equipment in the Inspectorate of East Java Province conducted
through the e-catalog application, there is no competition between providers of goods and services. Fair,
Procurement of motorized land transportation equipment in the Inspectorate of East Java Province is only
provided by PT. ASTRA INTERNASIONAL, Tbk. –TSO as an official distributor of Toyota cars. Accountable,
Procurement of goods and services in the Inspectorate of East Java Province is in accordance with regulations and
results of procurement of goods can be accounted for.Suggestions that can be given from the results of the
discussion for the Inspectorate of East Java Province, namely: PPK (Commitment Making Official) is more
careful in the process of procurement of goods and services so that the total needs of goods and services are met,
as well as imposing sanctions related to delays in responding and delays in delivery of goods by the provider.
Keywords: Principle, Procurement, E-catalog, SIRUP.