The National Education Association identifies 21st century skills as the
“4Cs,” which include critical thinking, creativity, communication, and
collaboration. Collaboration skills have become increasingly important, and
collaborative learning is considered key in 21st century education. In the
context of Homeschooling Pena Surabaya, problems arise related to the lack of
collaboration skills among students when taking robotic classes, which is
indicated in project based learning (PjBL).
There are factors that influence collaboration skills in robotics classes.
One of them is the difficulty of the tasks given to students in problem
solving. Apart from that, a lack of awareness or understanding of the
importance of respecting each other's opinions or input in the context of group
work is also a major obstacle. This suggests the need for more in-depth
research to understand and address these challenges to improve students'
collaboration skills. The aim of this research is to find out the relationship
between the project based learning (PjBL) model and the collaboration skills of
students at Homeschooling Pena Surabaya.
The research method used is a quantitative approach with a correlational
research type. The data collection techniques used included questionnaires and
documentation, involving 31 students who took part in the robotics class. Data
analysis was carried out using the product moment formula. The results of the
research show that project based learning (PjBL) has a positive and significant
relationship with the collaboration skills of students at Homeschooling Pena
Surabaya, based on the correlation degree guidelines, these values are also
categorized as moderate or quite strong correlation, which is indicated by r
count > r table ( 0.568 > 0.355) with a sig value = 0.001 < 0.05. So
the higher the value of project based learning (PjBL), the higher the value of
collaboration skills, or vice versa, the lower the value of project based
learning (PjBL), the lower the value of collaboration skills.
Keywords: Project Based
Learning (Pjbl), Collaboration Skills, Homeschooling Pena Surabaya