Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk idiolek calon presiden dalam video Debat Capres 2024, mendeskripsikan fungsi idiolek calon presiden dalam video Debat Capres 2024, dan mendeskripsikan konteks penggunaan idiolek calon presiden dalam video Debat Capres 2024. Fokus penelitian ini yakni konten 3 video debat Capres Tahun 2024 dalam akun YouTube KPU RI.
Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni Pengkajian bentuk idiolek debat calon presiden 2024 melalui tiga sesi debat menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan empat kategori bentuk idiolek, yakni 39 idiolek dalam bentuk kata, 14 idiolek dalam bentuk frasa, 13 idiolek dalam bentuk klausa, dan 6 idiolek dalam bentuk kalimat. Pengkajian kedua adalah terkait fungsi idiolek-idiolek yang telah ditemukan. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan tujuh kategori fungsi idiolek, yakni 10 idiolek fungsi instrumental, 11 idiolek fungsi regulasi, 10 idiolek fungsi representasional, 9 idiolek fungsi interaksional, 8 idiolek fungsi personal, 12 idiolek fungsi heuristik, dan 6 idiolek fungsi imajinatif. Konteks tuturan beridiolek dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi tiga, yakni 24 konteks medan wacana, 23 konteks pelibat wacana, dan 18 konteks modus wacana. Konteks medan wacana dengan apa yang sedang terjadi, dalam penelitian ini komunikasi di dalam debat membahas berbagai topik terkait pengalaman penutur maupun aktivitas sosial yang diamati.
This study aims to describe the form of presidential candidate idiolects in the 2024 Presidential Debate video, describe the function of presidential candidate idiolects in the 2024 Presidential Debate video, and describe the context of the use of presidential candidate idiolects in the 2024 Presidential Debate video.
The focus of this study is the content of 3 videos of the 2024 Presidential Debate on the KPU RI YouTube account. The results of this study, namely the study of the form of the 2024 presidential candidate idiolect debate through three debate sessions, showed that four categories of idiolect forms were found, namely 39 idiolects in the form of words, 14 idiolects in the form of phrases, 13 idiolects in the form of clauses, and 6 idiolects in the form of sentences. The second study is related to the function of the idiolects that have been found. In this study, seven categories of idiolect functions were found, namely 10 instrumental function idiolects, 11 regulatory function idiolects, 10 representational function idiolects, 9 interactional function idiolects, 8 personal function idiolects, 12 heuristic function idiolects, and 6 imaginative function idiolects. The context of idiolected speech in this study is divided into three, namely 24 discourse field contexts, 23 discourse involvement contexts, and 18 discourse mode contexts. The context of the discourse field with what is happening, in this study communication in the debate discusses various topics related to the speaker's experience and the observed social activities.