Setiawan. 2022. Evaluasi
Program Jatim Mengajar untuk Pendidikan Sekolah Pelosok di MI Muhammadiyah
Watuagung Trenggalek. Tesis, Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Program
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Sri
Setyowati, M.Pd dan (II) Dr. Erny Roesminingsih, M.Si.
Keywords: Program Evaluation, Remote Schools, CIPPO Model (Context, Input, Process, Product, dan Outcome)
This study aims to evaluate the Jatim Mengajar program
for remote school education at MI Muhammadiyah Watuagung Trenggalek. This study
uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and research design
evaluation of the CIPPO model (context, input, process, product, and outcome). The
research site was at MI Muhammadiyah Watuagung Trenggalek and his informants included the
director of the Jatim Mengajar Program, teacher of the Jatim Mengajar Program,
school principals, teachers, students at MI Muhammadiyah Watuagung and community leaders in
Krecek village. Data
collection techniques in this study used by participant observation, in-depth
interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that
(1) context evaluation in terms of program policies, program objectives,
program design has been running well and MI Muhammadiyah Watuagung has met the criteria for
being the location for the assignment of the Jatim Mengajar program, (2) input
evaluation in terms of the recruitment of Jatim Mengajar program teachers whose
stages have been passed well, the character of teachers at MI Muhammadiyah Watuagung who
have a high level of loyalty but still low professionalism, the number of
students who are stagnant every year, financing that has been going well, and
the provision of facilities infrastructure at MI Muhammadiyah Watuagung, (3) evaluation of the
process in terms of the implementation of service, work meetings, monitoring
that runs in accordance with the provisions, and the existence of several
collaborations with external parties that have a positive impact, (4) product
evaluation in terms of all work programs of Jatim Mengajar teachers related to
improving the quality of remote schools
and community empowerment, writing final reports, and obtaining awards, all of
which have been carried out well, (5) evaluation of outcomes in terms of the
Jatim Mengajar program which has a major contribution so that it has an impact
on schools and the community. The obstacle of this program is to prepare the
next generation from the assignment location who can continue the work program
that is already running in schools and the community. In addition, the Covid 19
pandemic made this program discontinued in 2020, but its sustainability is
currently being reviewed so that it can be run again in the coming year.