Pada Laboraturium Motor Diesel Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya, terdapat berbagai media pembelajaran yang menunjang pembelajaran teori maupun praktikum mulai dari trainer fuel pump, engine diesel trainer, mesin diesel satu silinder (dong feng) dan berbagai trainer lainnya. Dalam penggunaanya bosh pump tipe in-line dapat digunakan dalam media pembelajaran teori maupun praktik, pembelajaran praktik bosh pump biasanya digunakan untuk praktik overhaul bosh pump. pada proses overhaul, bosh pump harus dilepas dari rangka engine diesel trainer dan diturunkan untuk melepas semua komponen bosh pump bagian depan dan dalam, karena tidak semua komponen dapat langsung dilepas/overhaul saat bosh pump masih berada pada rangka engine diesel trainer. Tujuan dalam tugas akhir ini untuk sebagai media pembelajaran agar mahasiswa mengetahui komponen apa saja yang ada didalam bosch pump tanpa mengoverhaul bosch pump. Hasil perancangan didapatkan spesifikasi alat menggunakan rangka besi siku L ukuran 3×3mm, bosch pump tipe In-Line panther, motor penggerak gerinda sebagai media engine cutting bosch pump tipe In-line. Dan terwujudnya desain engine cutting bosch pump tipe In–line 4 silinder baru ini, dapat membantu proses pembelajaran mata kuliah teknologi motor diesel dan melengkapi fasilitas di labolaturium motor diesel Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Kata kunci : bosch pump, trainer.
In the Diesel Motor Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya State University, there are various learning media that support theoretical and practical learning ranging from fuel pump trainers, diesel trainer engines, one cylinder diesel engines (dong feng) and various other trainers. In its use bosh pump type in-line can be used in media learning theory and practice, practice learning bosh pump is usually used to practice bosh pump overhaul. in the overhaul process, the bosh pump must be removed from the engine diesel trainer frame and lowered to remove all front and inner bosh pump components, because not all components can be directly removed / overhauled when the bosh pump is still in the engine diesel trainer frame. The purpose of this final project is as a learning media so that students know what components are in the bosch pump without overhauling the bosch pump. The results of the design obtained the specifications of the tool using a 3 × 3mm L frame iron elbow, In-Line panther bosch pump, grinding drive motor as the In-line type Bosch pump cutting media engine. And the realization of this new In-line 4 cylinder bosch pump cutting engine design, can help the learning process of diesel motorbike technology courses and complete facilities in labolaturium motor diesel Department of Mechanical Engineering, Surabaya State University.
Keywords: bosch pump, trainer.