Hanifa, Siti. 2019. Explicatures, Implicatures, and Ineffective Communication in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Endgame. Disertasi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promotor (1) Slamet Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D., dan (2) Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi, menganalisa dan mendeskripsikan cara atau proses pembukaan tabir makna eksplikatur dan implikatur dari tuturan para tokoh drama dengan mempertimbangkan konteks dan bentuk bentuk gramatika tuturan. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan bagaimana eksplkatur dan implikatur tuturan tokoh drama tersebut mendukung terjadinya komunikasi yang tidak efektif antar tokoh drama.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pragmastailistika dalam meneliti dua teks drama karya Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot dan Endgame. Pemilihan dua drama tersebut sebagai sumber data dari penelitian ini didasarkan pada kualitas bahasa yang digunakan oleh penulis drama (Samuel Beckett) dalam menulis dua karya tersebut. Data yang berupa tuturan para tokoh dalam dua karya tersebut dianalisa secara descriptif kualitatif untuk membuka tabir makna eksplikatur dan implikatur dari tuturan tokoh drama serta peranannya dalam terjadinya komunikasi yang tidak efektif dalam dua drama tersebut.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penemuan makna eksplikatur dari tuturan para tokoh terjadi melalui tiga proses yaitu disambiguitas, reference assignment, dan pengkayaan baik secara sendiri sendiri atau melalui gabungan antara dua proses atau tiga proses. Bentuk grammatika tuturan para tokoh dari dua drama tersebut adalah bentuk klausa, frasa dan kata. Bentuk gramatika dan konteks dioalog antar tokoh berperan dalam penentuan makna eksplikatur dan implikatur yang dimaksudkan oleh peserta tutur. Kata yang paling sering mengalami proses disambiguitas dalam penentuan maknanya adalah kata That. Kata ini juga paling sering harus dikenai proses reference assignment. Sedangkan klausa yang paling sering memerlukan proses pengkayaan adalah I don’t know.
Bentuk gramatika yang digunakan oleh penulis drama dalam memproduksi dialog tokoh tokoh fiksinya adlah klausa yang tidak utuh, frasa dan kata yang melahirkan bentuk elipsis pada tingkat (1) subyek, (2) predikat, (3) obyek, (5) adverb , serta kombinasi tingkat (5) subyek and predikat, (6) predikat and obyek, (7) subyek and obyek.
Sedangkan implikatur tuturan para tokoh tersampaikan dengan memberi tanda yang terkait dengan maksud pembicara, memberi petunjuk, pengurangan/merendah, melebih lebihkan, ironi dan metafora. Implikatur tuturan dapat terkuak melalui deduksi logis.
Pada akhirnya, keterbukaan tabir makna eksplikatur dan implikatur tuturan para tokoh dalam dua drama tersebut menggiring pada terjadinya komunikasi mereka yang tidak efektif. Ketidak efektifan komunikasi tersebut terjadi tatkala mereka memperbincangkantopik kesengsaraan, kebahagiaan, memori lucu, strata sosial ekonomis, dan keagamaan. Hal tersebut terjadi karena keengganan mereka terlibat dalam komunikasi, ketidakmampuan mereka menemukan definisi yang pasti, dan keputusasaan. Komunikasi antar tokok fiksi tentang penderitaan tidak berjalan dengan efektif karena ketidakyakinan mereka terhadap belum berakhirnya penderitaan mereka. Topik kebahagiaan juga tidak efektif diperbincangkan karena ketidakmampuan mereka mendefinisikannya. Anekdot anekdot sudah tidak mampu lagi membuat mereka terhibur. Strata sosioekonomi tidak effectif diperbincangkan karena penolakan mereka pada kondisi tersebut. Keputusasaan mereka akan jawaban Tuhan terhadap doa doa mereka membuat mereka menghentikan pembicaraan tentang Tuhan.
Ditemukan bahwa ketidakefektifan pada level interaksi antar tokoh membawa interaksi yang tanpa henti antar penulis drama dan pembacanya dalam perspektif studi susastra, studi linguistik, dan studi pedagogis yang terintegrasi. Dua karya drama Samuel Beckett tersebut layak dipakai sebagai sumber materi pembelajaran karena isu isu yang ada dalam dua karya tersebut masih terjadi sampai abad ini. Selain itu, tata bahasa yang dipakai oleh Beckett masih tetap berlaku sampai abad ini.
Kata Kunci: eksplikatur. Implikatur, ineffective communication, disambiguation, reference assignment, enrichment.
Hanifa, Siti. 2019. Explicatures, Implicatures, and Ineffective Communication in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Endgame. Dissertation. Department of Language and Literature Education, Post Graduate Program, State University of Surabaya, Promoters: (1) Slamet Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D., and (2) Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D.
The aims of this study are to investigate the ways of revealing explicatures and implicatures of the characters’ utterances in the two dramas. Revealing the explicatures and implicatures takes the grammatical forms of the characters’ utterances and the context of the dialogues. In addition, this present study aims to reveal how the recovery of the explicatures and implicatures leads to the recovery of the occurance of ineffective communication in the two dramas.
The present study pragmastylistically approaches two dramatic texts written by Samuel Beckett entitled Waiting for Godot and Endgame. Considering the quality of Beckett’s language used in the two dramas, it is important to take them as the sources of data being analyzed descriptive qualitatively to reveal the explicatures and implicatures of the characters’ utterances leading to the discovery of the thematic foci intended by the playwright. After being collected, the data were categorized and analyzed based on the types of grammatical forms of the utterances and the processes or efforts to disclose the explicatures, implicatures of the utterances leading to the access to the discovery of the ineffective communication. To guarantee the trustworthiness of the data and the results of this study, the data and theory triangulations were employed.
The results of this study showed that revealing explicatures of the characters’ utterances involves the execution of disambiguation, reference assignment, and enrichment either in isolation or in the combination of the two or of the three proceseses. The grammatical forms of the sentences uttered by the characters are categorized into clause, phrase and word. The clauses falls into the category of grammatically independent clauses and depenedent clauses. Enrichment is done by extending certain words or phrases for their specific information. Disambiguation is done to select the single sense of a word, a phrase and a clause. Reference assignment is done to determine the intended referred noun or pronoun. The most frequent disambiguated word is the word, nothing followed by the word, that. That is also the most frequent assigned word. The most frequent enriched clause is I don’t know.
The grammatical forms of incomplete clauses, phrases and words fall into ellipsis at the level of (1) subject, (2) predicate, (3) object, (4) complement, (5) adverb, (6) subject and predicate, (7) predicate and object, and (8) subject and object.
Meanwhile, it was found that the implicatures of the characters’ utterances are invited by giving hint, giving association clues, overstating, understating, saying ironically and metaphorically. The inferencing of the implicatures are deduced logically by employing syllogism.
Ultimately, the revealing of explicatures and implicatures of the characters’ utterances result in the discovery of the occurance of ineffective communiction on the topics of misery, happiness, anechdotal memory, socioeconomic strata and religious belief. The ineffective communication is resulted from (1) the characters’ unwillingness to discuss the topics which they consider cannot change their painful lives, their inability to give definite definition, and their hopelessness. The communiaction on misery runs ineffectvely because the characters feel uncertain whether their misery can be ended. Happiness is ineffectively communicated because they are hopeless to give a definite definition of the happiness. Anechdotal memory is not successfully retold because the funny stories cannot make them releived from their misery. Socioeconomic strata is not presented effectively because they do not agree with it. Their discussion on religious belief cannot be mantained because of their hoplessness to receive godly responses.
It was also found that ineffective communication at the level of character-to-character interaction brings the never-ending interaction at the level of playwright-to-reader in the context of literary study, linguistic study and pedagogic study respectively and in integrated perspective point of view. Issues embedded in the characters’ utterances of Waiting for Godot and Endgame have existed from the day of their production up to now. In addition, the linguistic rules of a sentence structures have not changed. Intergating literary study, and linguistic study to pedagogic study is necessary to be done.
Key Words. Explicature, implicature, ineffective communication, disambiguation, reference assignment, enrichment