Nugrahaeni, Nova . 2023. Pop Up Book Animation Video Media Development
on West Papuan Local Culture to improve general knowledge of cultural literacy in grade IV elementary school students, thesis. Basic Education Study Program, Faculty of
Education, Surabaya State University. Supervisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto,
M. Pd and (II) Dr. Hendratno, M.Hum.
pop up book animation video, west papua
local culture, general knowledge.
This study aims to produce
animated video pop
up book media based on local West Papuan culture to increase general knowledge
of cultural literacy of grade IV elementary school students that are feasible,
practical and valid. This type of research is development research. The development model used in this study is
the 4D model. This model consists of four stages of development, namely define,
design, develop, and disseminate. The subjects in this study were grade IV
students of SD Inpres 15 Sorong Regency which amounted to 6 students for
individual trials, 12 people for small-scale trials and 22 students for
large-scale. The instruments used in collecting research data consist of
feasibility testing instruments in the form of expert validation sheets,
instruments for practicality testing used in the form of teacher response
sheets and student response sheets, while effectiveness testing instruments in
the form of student learning outcomes.
Based on the
results of the study, it shows that based on feasibility test data, pop up book
animated video learning media meets the
very valid category with an average score from all aspects of the assessment,
which is 88.82 so it is suitable for use. The level of practicality of the
learning media developed meets the very practical category with the acquisition
of teacher response sheet scores of 10 and the average value on student
response sheets is 10. The effectiveness level of learning media based on Lectora Inspire is included in the effective category used in
the learning process because the average value of student learning outcomes is
85 and meets classical standards of 100% for individual trial groups, 91.66%
for small group trials and 86.4% for large group trials. This shows that pop up
book animated video learning media is
very feasible, practical and effective to use in the learning process.