Education is one of the many affected by the Covid-19 virus, this affects
teaching and learning activities, especially at SDN Kalijudan 1/239 which
implements a face-to-face system and is forced to work from home (WFH). The
process of delivering material to students is difficult. Therefore, the
researchers developed a simple and effective learning system, namely in the
form of a Telegram Chatbot media that was applied via a smartphone. The purpose
of this study was to determine the level of validity, effectiveness, and
practicality of the Chatbot media using the Research & Development (R&D)
method, applying the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation (ADDIE) model with qualitative and quantitative data types. Before
conducting research, validation of media & materials to experts must take
precedence. The researcher took a sample of 30 fourth grade students at SDN
Kalijudan 1/239 who were tested by post-test and pre-test before and after the
students used the media, then they were given a questionnaire sheet as an
answer to the practicality of the media. The validity of the media and material
each got a percentage of 78% and 87.5% with the criteria of "Fair"
and "Very Eligible", then for the effectiveness of learning with
Chatbot media, the results of the pre-test and post-test students got the
percentage of learning completeness respectively. - 56% and 86% respectively
with the difference in the average pre-test and post-test scores or N-Gain
scores of 67% and is included in the "Effective Enough" criteria. To
find out the practicality of the last Telegram Chatbot media, it is giving a
questionnaire to 30 students about the media, from the calculations that have
been done the percentage is 99%. Referring to all the known results, the
Telegram Chatbot media for science learning material always saves energy for
class IV SDN Kalijudan 1/239 very feasible to use.
Keywords: Telegram, Always Saving Energy, Chatbot, Development