Prokrastinasi akademik adalah kecenderungan menunda-nunda atau gagal menyelesaikan tugas-tugas akademik tepat waktu, meskipun mengetahui hal tersebut akan berdampak buruk bagi hasil akademiknya. Tujuan penelitian ini menguji konseling kelompok teknik self management untuk menurunkan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa SMA. Penerapan teknik self management meliputi tiga prosedur yaitu self monitoring, stimulus control dan self reward. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu angket perilaku prokrastinasi akademik. Dari hasil uji validitas terdapat 2 item yang gugur karena r hitung lebih kecil daripada r tabel (0.349). Hasil uji reliabilitas angket yaitu 0.922. Dimana 0.922> 0.700 angket perilaku prokrastinasi akademik dinyatakan reliabel. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pre-experimental dengan desain one-group pretest-posttest. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X-11 SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo yang teridentifikasi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik dalam kategori tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat penurunan peirlaku prokrastinasi akademik dari kategori tinggi ke kategori sedang. Hasil tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan uji Willcoxon yang memperoleh signifikansi sebesar 0,043, nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari 0,05, bahwa Penerapan Konseling kelompok teknik self management dapat menurunkan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa SMAN 1 Driyorejo.
Kata Kunci : Konseling Kelompok, Self Management, Prokrastinasi Akademik
Academic procrastination is the tendency to procrastinate or fail to complete academic assignments on time, even though they know this will have a negative impact on academic results. The aim of this research is to test group counseling self-management techniques to reduce academic procrastination behavior in high school students. The application of self-management techniques includes three procedures, namely self-monitoring, stimulus control and self-reward. The research instrument used was the academic procrastination behavior questionnaire. From the results of the validity test, there were 2 items that were dropped because the calculated r was smaller than the r table (0.349). The questionnaire reliability test result was 0.922. Where 0.922> 0.700 of the academic procrastination behavior questionnaire was declared reliable. The type of research used was pre-experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this research were students in class X-11 of SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo who were identified as having academic procrastination behavior in the high category. The results of this study show that there is a decrease in academic procrastination behavior from the high category to the medium category. These results can be proven by the Willcoxon test which obtained a significance of 0.043, this value is smaller than 0.05, that the application of self-management technique group counseling can reduce academic procrastination behavior in students at SMAN 1 Driyorejo.
Keywords: Group Counseling, Self Management, Academic Procrastination