Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) mengetahui pemahaman kognitif siswa yang melaksanakan pendidikan sistem ganda di PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya; (2) mengetahui kemampuan psikomotorik siswa yang melaksanakan pendidikan sistem ganda di PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya; (3) analisis hubungan antara pengetahuan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) terhadap kemampuan psikomotorik siswa yang melaksanakan pendidikan sistem ganda (PSG) di PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surbaya. Variabel penelitian adalah pemahaman kognitif keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja K3 siswa PSG dan kemampuan psikomotorik siswa saat melaksanakan pendidikan sistem ganda di PT. Asco Prima Mobilindo Surabaya sebagai variabel terikat. Teknik pengu menggunakan metode tes butir pertanyaan pilihan ganda berjumblah 30 item dan lembar kueisoner penilaian psikomotorik siswa berjumblah 23 item. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Tingkat pemahaman kognitif siswa PSG dengan hasil 65% yang termasuk dalam kategori baik; (2) tingkat kemampuan psikomotorik siswa PSG saat melaksanakan praktik di PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya dengan hasil nilai 95% dalam kategori positif; (3) hasil analisis hubungan antara pemahaman kognitif terhadap psikomotorik siswa PSG di PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya dengan koefisien korelasi 0,713 yang termasuk kedalam kategori hubungan yang kuat antara pemahaman kognitif terhadap psikomotorik siswa yang PSG di PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surbaya.
This study aims to determine: (1) determine the cognitive understanding of students who carry out dual system education at PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya; (2) knowing abilities psychomotor students who carry out dual system education at PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya; (3) analysis of the relationship between occupational safety and health knowledge (K3) on the psychomotor abilities of students who carry out dual system education (PSG) at PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surbaya. The research variables are cognitive understanding of occupational safety and health of PSG students and psychomotor abilities of students when implementing a dual system education at PT. Asco Prima Mobilindo Surabaya as the dependent variable. The data collection technique used the multiple item question test method with 30 items and the students' psychomotor assessment sheets were 23 items. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The level of cognitive understanding of PSG students with 65% results is included in either category; (2) the level of psychomotor ability of PSG students when carrying out practices at PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya with a value of 95% in the positive category; (3) the results of the analysis of the relationship between cognitive understanding of psychomotor PSG students at PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surabaya with a correlation coefficient of 0.713 which is included in the category of a strong relationship between cognitive understanding of psychomotor students in PSG at PT. Asco prima mobilindo Surbaya.
Keywords: Cognitive Understanding, Psychomotor Ability, K3