Kue gapit adalah kue tradisional yang berasal dari Cirebon Jawa Barat. Nama gapit diambil dari proses pencetakan yakni adonan yang sudah jadi digapit oleh dua lempeng besi di atas pembakaran dan memiliki bentuk bermacam-macam seperti kipas, persegi, kotak dan juga ada yang digulung. Kue gapit terbuat dari tepung beras, telur, gula pasir, garam dan santan (bogasari). Kue gapit memiliki tekstur, kering, renyah (crispy), dan sifatnya tahan lama serta mempunyai ciri khas rasa yang gurih, renyah, dan manis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh subtitusi tepung ubi ungu dan penambahan puree buah naga merah terhadap sifat organoleptik kue gapit yang meliputi motif, warna, aroma, rasa, kerenyahan, tingkat kesukaan serta mengetahui kandungan gizi yang meliputi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, serat, antosianin, betakaroten dalam kue gapit terbaik dari uji organoleptik. Jenis penelitian ini mengunakan jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian dua faktor. Pengumpulan data dengan mengunakan cara observasi oleh 50 orang panelis. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan metode analisis two way anava dan uji lanjut Duncan. Produk terbaik selanjutnya dilakukan uji kimia.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : 1) subtitusi tepung ubi ungu ada pengaruh nyata terhadap warna dan aroma kue gapit, tetapi tidak ada pengaruh nyata terhadap motif, rasa, kerenyahan, dan tingkat kesuksaan kue gapit. 2) penambahan puree buah naga merah ada pengaruh nyata terhadap motif, warna, rasa, kerenyahan, tingkat kesukaaan kue gapit, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap aroma kue gapit. 3) interaksi antara subtitusi tepung ubi ungu dan penambahan puree buah naga merah hanya ada pengaruh terhadap motif kue gapit. 4) Kue gapit yang terbaik yaitu kue gapit dengan subtitusi tepung ubi ungu sebesar 60% dan penambahan puree buah naga merah sebesar 70%. Kandungan gizi kue gapit per 100 gram produk kue gapit mengandung karbohidrat 73,60%; protein 11,50%; lemak 8,11%; serat 5,10%; antosianin 38,60 mg/100g; betakaroten 58,65 mg/100g.
Kata Kunci : kue gapit, tepung ubi ungu, puree buah naga.
Gapit cake is a traditional cake originating from Cirebon, West Java. The name gapit is taken from the printing process it, the dough that has already been flanked by two iron plates on the combustion and has a variety of shapes such as fans, squares, squares and some are rolled up. Gapit cake is made from rice flour, eggs, sugar, salt and coconut milk (bogasari). Gapit cake has a texture of dry, crispy, and is durable and has a characteristic taste that is savory, crispy, and sweet. This study aims to determine the effect of purple sweet potato flour substitution and the addition of red dragon fruit puree to the organoleptic properties of Gapit cake which includes motifs, colors, aromas, flavors, crispiness, preference levels and to determine nutrient contents including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, anthocyanins, beta-carotene in the best gapit cake from organoleptic tests. The study uses experimental type research with a two-factor research design. Data collection was carried out by means of observation by 50 panelists. The data analysis used two way anava analysis method and Duncan's continued test. The best products are then subjected to chemical testing.
The results showed that: 1) substitution of purple sweet potato flour significantly affected the color and aroma of the Gapit cake, but it did not significantly affect the motives, taste, crispness, and level of availability of the Gapit cake. 2) the addition of red dragon fruit puree has a significant effect on motifs, colors, flavors, crispness, preference degree of the gapit cake, but does not significantly affect the aroma of the gapit cake. 3) the interaction between the substitute of purple sweet potato flour and the addition of pure red dragon fruit puree influence the motifs of the Gapit cake. 4) the best product of Gapit Cake is Gapit Cake with the substitution of purple sweet potato flour by 60% and the addition of pure red dragon fruit puree by 70%. The nutritional content of Gapit cake per 100 grams of Gapit cake product contains 73.60% carbohydrates; 11.50% proteins ; 8.11% fats; 5.10% fiber; 38.60 mg/100g anthocyanin ; 58.65 mg/100g beta-carotene.
Keywords: Gapit cake, purple sweet potato flour, red dragon fruit puree.