Di awal tahun 2020 terjadi wabah coronavirus disease 19 (Covid-19) yang menyebabkan pandemi sehingga fasilitas umum dibatasi, serta banyak kejuaraan yang ditunda dan dibatalkan. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, atlet dituntut untuk tetap berlatih agar tetap mempertahankan kondisinya yang prima dan menjaga motivasi mereka dalam meraih target yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi berlatih atlet bulutangkis selama pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian yaitu atlet bulutangkis baik putera maupun puteri yang masuk kelompok umur pemula, remaja, taruna dan dewasa yang berada di 10 klub bulutangkis di 9 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan total 116 atlet. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket motivasi yang divalidasi oleh expert judgements. Analisa uji validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan SPSS, disimpulkan dari 25 butir pertanyaan terdapat 6 butir pertanyaan yang gugur, sehingga ada 19 butir pertanyaan yang layak untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Terdapat 6 butir pertanyaan tambahan tentang perbedaan komponen latihan yang dilakukan atlet sebelum dan selama pandemi covid-19, yang terdiri dari frekuensi, intensitas, dan durasi latihan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan google form secara online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi berlatih atlet yang masuk kategori sangat tinggi sebesar 6,90%, kategori tinggi sebesar 25,86%, kategori sedang sebesar 38,79%, kategori rendah sebesar 23,28%, kategori sangat rendah sebesar 5,17%. Atlet yang mengalami penurunan frekuensi latihan sebesar 45,69%, penurunan intensitas latihan sebesar 61,21%, dan penurunan durasi latihan sebesar 41,38%. Kesimpulannya, mayoritas atlet bulutangkis berada di kategori sedang hingga sangat tinggi yang menunjukkan motivasi berlatih atlet sudah cukup baik.
Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Atlet, Bulutangkis, Covid-19
In early 2020 there was an outbreak of coronavirus disease 19 (Covid-19) that caused the pandemic so that public facilities were restricted, as well as many championships were postponed and cancelled. With this condition, athletes are required to keep training in order to maintain their excellent condition and maintain their motivation in achieving the target that has been determined. This research aims to find out the motivation of training badminton athletes during the covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The subjects were badminton athletes, both men and women, who were in the age group of beginners, teenagers, youths and adults who were in 10 badminton clubs in 9 cities in East Java Province with a total were 116 athletes. Research instruments using motivation questionnaires validated by expert judgements. The analysis of validity and reliability test uses SPSS, and it is concluded from 25 questions there are 6 questions that invalid, so there are 19 questions that are worthy to be used as research instruments. There are 6 additional questions about the different components of exercise that athletes do before and during the covid-19 pandemic, consisting of the frequency, intensity, and duration of the exercise. Data retrieval is done using google form online. The results showed that the motivation to train athletes which is in the very high category is 6,90%, the high category is 25,86%, the medium category is 38,79%, the low category is 23,28%, the very low category is 5,17%. Athletes who has been decreased in training frequency by 45,69%, decreased training intensity by 61,21%, and decreased training duration by 41,38%. In conclusion, the majority of badminton athletes were in the medium to very high category indicating the motivation to train athletes was good enough.
Keywords: Motivation, Athlete, Badminton, Covid-19