Proses penjurian yang diaggap tertutup mampu memberikan pemikiran yang menyimpang dari kalangan
pelatih dan atlet pencak silat. Beberapa berpendapat bahwa adanya faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi penilaian
wasit juri saat memberikan penilaian terhadap atlet. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas maka peneliti membuat
penelitian yang berjudul “Pengaruh Faktor Non Teknis Pertandingan Dalam Penilaian Juri Kepada Atlet Pencak
Silat”. Tujuan dibuatnya penelitian ini adalah agar mengetahui apakah ada tidaknya pengaruh dari non teknis
pertandingan terhadap penilaian juri kepada atlet pencak silat dan untuk mengetahui besar kecilnya persentase
tingkat pengaruh faktor non teknis pertandingan terhadap penilaian juri kepada atlet pencak silat. Penelitian ini
merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif survey dengan metode non eksperimen.
Perolehan data didapat melalui penyebaran angket atau kuisioner yang sudah tertulis pertanyaan disebarkan
dikalangan wasit juri pencak silat dan tersedia sejumlah 38 responden dari wasit juri aktif di Kota Surabaya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat integritas wasit juri Kota Surabaya masih tergolong tinggi
karena ada sejumlah 25 orang menduduki kategori tinggi dengan persentase ≥ 68% dan 13 orang menduduki
ketegori sedang dengan persentase 34 – 67 %. Selain itu hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa sarana dan
prasarana juga mampu mempengaruhi kinerja wasit juri Kota Surabaya dengan 20 orang masuk dalam kategori
tinggi dengan rate presentase ≥ 72%, sedangkan 18 orang masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan rate presentase
37-71%. Dari hasil tiga indikator ini yaitu integritas , sarana dan prasarana, serta pemahaman peraturan
pertandingan masing-masing memiliki pengaruh dalam presentase kategori tinggi.
The judging process which is considered closed is able to give distorted thoughts from the coaches
and athletes of pencak silat. Some argue that there are other factors that can influence the judges' judgment when
judging athletes. Based on the explanation above, the researchers made a study entitled "The Influence of NonTechnical Competition Factors in Jury Assessments of Pencak Silat Athletes". The purpose of this research is to
find out whether there is an influence of non-technical competition on the jury's assessment of pencak silat athletes
and to determine the percentage level of influence of non-technical factors on the jury's assessment of pencak silat
athletes. This research is a type of quantitative research with a descriptive survey approach with non-experimental
methods. The data was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires or questionnaires with written
questions distributed among the pencak silat judges and 38 respondents from active judges in the city of Surabaya.
The results showed that the level of integrity of the judges of Surabaya City was still relatively high
because there were 25 people occupying the high category with a percentage of 68% and 13 people occupying
the medium category with a percentage of 34 - 67%. In addition, the results of the study also showed that facilities
and infrastructure were also able to influence the performance of the judges of the Surabaya City with 20 people
in the high category with a percentage rate of 72%, while 18 people in the medium category with a percentage
rate of 37-71%. From the results of these three indicators, namely integrity, facilities and infrastructure, as well
as understanding the rules of the game, each has an influence in the high category percentage.