Language is an expression that aims to convey ideas,
thoughts and feelings to others. Language is an arbitrary system of sound
symbols because language is used by members of social groups to cooperate,
communicate, and identify. This study aims to describe the use of diction and
language style in the a song album 小时候的我们 《xiǎoshíhòu de wǒmen》By 周兴哲 zhōuxìngzhé.
To analyze the data, a
qualitative descriptive method was used with a stylistic study approach. The
data in
this study are words, phrases, and words or sentences that contain diction and
language style. The data collection method and technique used is the listening
method. The data collection method used in this study is the SBLC (Simak Bebas
Libat Cakap) method and and note taking method.
From the resultsof the research that has found the
following data, the diction used is: denotative diction, conotative diction,
general diction, special diction, abstract diction, and concrete diction. While
the style of language use is the style of repetition, hyperbole, chiasmus,
paradox, allegory, and okymoron. The dominating diction is the denotative.
While special diction is the least used diction. Then hyperbole is the language
style that is often used, while the least used is the allegory style and
oxymoron style.