Di era keterampilan abad 21, skor literasi peserta didik Indonesia menurut hasil studi PISA (2022) masih tergolong rendah. Adanya learning loss pasca pandemi covid-19 berdampak pada penurunan hasil belajar dan keterampilan literasi kimia peserta didik pada materi redoks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LAPD berorientasi project based learning untuk meningkatkan keterampilan literasi kimia pada materi redoks. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D (define, design, develop, disseminate), namun terbatas sampai tahap pengembangan (develop). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji coba terbatas pada 29 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 2, di salah satu sekolah swasta di Mojokerto, yang telah mendapatkan materi redoks. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian, validitas (isi dan konstruk) LAPD diinterpretasikan valid, memperoleh modus skor 4 dengan kategori baik. Kepraktisan LAPD diinterpretasikan praktis, berdasarkan hasil observasi aktivitas peserta didik dan observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, memperoleh modus 5 dengan kategori sangat baik, hasil angket respon peserta didik memperoleh persentase 96,78% dengan kategori sangat baik. Keefektifan LAPD diinterpretasikan efektif, berdasarkan n-gain tes hasil belajar (kognitif) dengan kategori tinggi 82,76% dan kategori sedang 17,24%; n-gain tes literasi kimia dengan kategori tinggi 93,10% dan kategori sedang 6,90%; serta hasil uji paired sample t-test dengan a = 5% diperoleh nilai Sig.2-tailed yaitu 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa LAPD berorientasi project based learning untuk meningkatkan keterampilan literasi kimia pada materi redoks, layak untuk digunakan.
Kata kunci: Lembar Aktivitas Peserta Didik (LAPD), Project Based Learning (PjBL), Keterampilan Literasi Kimia, Redoks.
In the era of 21st century skills, the literacy scores of Indonesian students according to the results of the PISA study (2022) are still relatively low. The existence of learning loss after the covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on reducing learning outcomes and students' chemical literacy skills on redox material. This research aims to produce LAPD oriented to project based learning to improve chemical literacy skills on redox material. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate), but is limited to the develop stage. In this research, a limited trial was conducted on 29 students in class XI MIPA 2, at a private school in Mojokerto, who had received redox material. Data analysis was carried out descriptively quantitatively. Based on research, the validity (content and construct) of the LAPD is interpreted as valid, obtaining a score mode of 4 with good category. The practicality of LAPD is interpreted as practical, based on the results of observations of student activities and observations of learning implementation, obtaining mode 5 with very good category, the results of the student response questionnaire obtained a percentage of 96.78% with very good category. The effectiveness of LAPD is interpreted as effective, based on the n-gain of learning outcomes (cognitive) test with high category of 82.76% and medium category of 17.24%; n-gain chemical literacy test with high category 93.10% and medium category 6.90%; and the results of the paired sample t-test with a = 5% obtained a Sig.2-tailed value of 0.000 < 0.05 so that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that LAPD oriented to project based learning to improve chemical literacy skills on redox material, worthy of use.
Keywords: Student Activity Sheets (LAPD), Project Based Learning (PjBL), Chemical Literacy Skills, Redox.