research aims to find for this type of damage, level of damage, type of road
repair and cost budget plan on Gempol – Pandaan Road in Pasuruan Regency. This research is a quantitative research. The
target of this research is Gempol - Pandaan Road section precisely on Km 39+000
until 42+000. Data collection methods with observation and documentation.
analysis is a method used to determine the value of conditions in the road
surface layer whose value is determined by the state of the surface layer
caused by damage to the road that occurs. This PCI analysis method is a method
for evaluating pavement damage visually with 3 important things, specifically:
(1) Determination of type of damage and severity. (2) Damage assessment. (3)
Determination of pavement conditions. This PCI method can be used as a
reference to determine road pavement repairs.
results of this research are: (1) The
type of road pavement damage is alligator crack has amount 3667,1 m2,
block crack has amount 83,46
m2 , corrugation has amount 648,77 m2 , patch & utility cut patching has
amount 88,01 m2 ,
potholes has amount 2,32 m2
and shoving has
amount 156,84 m2 .
(2) The value of the average damage level that occurs based on PCI values is
86-100 (good) has amount
12,5%, 51-70 (fair) has amount 17,5%, 26-50 (poor) has amount
60% and 0-25 (very poor) has amount 10%. (3)
the type of
improvement obtained based on the results of the analysis is patching method
for 7 road segment, overlays method for 24 road segment and reconstruction for
4 road segment. (4) The cost value required for road improvement based on the
calculation of the budget plan is as big as Rp. 4.611.871.000,00.
Keywords: damage, PCI (Pavement Condition
Index), repair, budget plan.