Representasi Alam sajrone Novel Prau Layar ing Kali Opak Dening Budi Sarjono (Tintingan Ekokritik Sastra)
The Natural Representation in Prau Layar ing Kali Opak Novel by Budi Sarjono (Literary Ecocritic)
Novel Prau Layar ing Kali Opak karya Budi Sarjono merupakan karya sastra yang berwujud novel yang menggunakan bahasa Jawa dan termasuk jenis novel ekologi. Novel tersebut menggambarkan kearifan lingkungan dan menceritakan hubungan antara manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan terhadap lingkungan yang diwujudkan dengan penggambaran kehidupan masyarakat Gunungkidul yang bergantung dengan alam. Kehidupan masyarakat Gunungkidul mengolah alam untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup dengan berpegang dengan prinsip-prinsip etika lingkungan. Penjelasan tersebut menunjukkan adanya bab yang melatar belakangi ditulisnya penelitian ini yaitu (1) penggambaran alam; dan (2) wujud kepedulian tokoh terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori ekokritik sastra, termasuk penelitian deskriptif dengan memberikan gambaran secara rinci dan jelas. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu novel PLIKO yang tersususun dari 11 bagian judul. Data penelitian ini berupa cuplikan-cuplikan dalam novel yang memiliki hubungan dengan rumusan masalah penelitian. Cara memperoleh data menggunakan teknik kapustakan, sedangkan cara menganalisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa novel PLIKO karya Budi sarjono termasuk novel ekologis yang memuat berbagai aspek ekologis. Aspek-aspek ekologis tersebut terfokus dalam penggambaran alam dan kepedulian tokoh terhadap lingkungan yang terdapat dalam cerita. Wujud penggambaran alam dibagi menjadi lima yaitu (1) permukiman; (2) sungai; (3) laut dan pantai; (4) gunung; lan (5) hutan, pengambaran alam tersebut masih asru, terawatt, dan tertata. sedangkan wujud kepedulian tokoh terbagi menjadi dua,pertama yaitu etika lingkungan berupa (1) sikap hormat terhadap alam; (2) sikapa solidaritas terhadap alam; dan (3) sikap kasih sayang dan kepedulian terhadap alam. Kedua hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan dengan paham determinisme dan paham posibilisme.
Kata kunci: Novel Prau Layar ing Kali Opak, ekokritik sastra, novel ekologis
Prau Layar ing Kali Opak (PLIKO) novel by Budi Sarjono is a literature work in the form of a novel in Javanese language and belong to the type of ecological novel. The novel describes environmental wisdom and tells the relationship among humans, animals, and plants to the environment which is manifested by depicting the life of the Gunungkidul community who depend on nature. The community’s life of Gunungkidul cultivates nature to suffice the needs of life by adhering to the principles of environmental ethics. The explanation shows that there are chapters behind the writing of this research, namely (1) depiction of nature; and (2) the manifestation of the figure's concern for the environmentt. This study used literary ecocritic theory. This research included descriptive research by providing a detailed and clear description. The data source of this research was Prau Layar ing Kali Opak (PLIKO) novel which was composed of 11 sections. The data research contained some of excerpts in the novel that had a relationship with the formulation of the research problem. The method research used the library technique, while the analysis method used the descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study indicated that the Prau Layar ing Kali Opak (PLIKO) novel by Budi Sarjono was an ecological novel that contained various ecological aspects. These ecological aspects were focused on depicting nature and the figure's concern for the environment contained in the story. The depiction of nature was divided into five, namely (1) settlement; (2) river; (3) sea and coast; (4) mountain; and (5) forest, the depiction of nature was still beautiful, well-maintained, and organized. While the manifestation of the figure's concern was divided into two. The first was environmental ethics that divided by three, namely (1) respect for nature; (2) attitude of solidarity towards nature; and (3) an attitude of compassion and concern for nature. The second, the relationship between human and the environment with the determinism and posibilism understanding.
Keywords: Prau Layar ing Kali Opak novel, literary ecocritic, ecological novel