Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan rentang rata-rata komponen kondisi fisik antara pemain sepakbola dengan pemain futsal, studi pada atlet Sekolah Sepakbola Mitra Surabaya dan atlet Sekolah Futsal Surabaya. Sampel diambil sejumlah 16 orang atlet sepakbola dan 16 orang atlet futsal dengan jumlah keseluruhan 32 orang, pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan pengukuran kondisi fisik yang diantaranya daya tahan kardiovaskular menggunakan Multistage Fitness Test (MFT), kecepatan menggunakan tes akselerasi 20 meter, kelincahan menggunakan tes Illinois Agility Run, daya ledak menggunakan tes Vertical Jump, kelentukan menggunakan tes Sit and Reach. Perhitungan statistik menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21, dengan menggunakan Independent T Test untuk uji perbandingan. Dari analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan hasil : 1. Diketahui daya tahan VO2Max atlet sepakbola bahwa nilai rata-rata 40,79 sedangkan hasil daya tahan VO2Max atlet futsal nilai rata-rata 43,23. 2. Diketahui kecepatan atlet sepakbola bahwa nilai rata-rata 3,66 detik sedangkan hasil kecepatan atlet futsal nilai rata-rata 3,48 detik. 3. Diketahui hasil kelincahan atlet sepakbola bahwa nilai rata-rata 12,87 detik sedangkan hasil kelincahan atlet futsal nilai rata-rata 13,62 detik. 4. Diketahui hasil daya ledak atlet sepakbola bahwa nilai rata-rata 43,81 cm sedangkan hasil daya ledak atlet futsal nilai rata-rata 43,75 cm. 5. Diketahui hasil kelentukan atlet sepakbola bahwa nilai rata-rata 15,09 inchi sedangkan hasil kelentukan atlet futsal nilai rata-rata 14,35 inchi. Dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa ada perbedaan rentang rata-rata kondisi fisik antara atlet Sekolah Sepakbola Mitra Surabaya dan atlet Sekolah Futsal Surabaya. Diketahui atlet Sekolah Sepakbola Mitra Surabaya memiliki tingkat kondisi fisik yaitu kelincahan, daya ledak, dan kelentukan yang lebih unggul dari atlet Sekolah Futsal Surabaya. Sedangkan atlet Sekolah Futsal Surabaya memiliki tingkat kondisi fisik yaitu daya tahan dan kecepatan yang lebih unggul dari atlet Sekolah Sepakbola Mitra Surabaya.
Kata kunci: Kondisi fisik, Pemain, Sepakbola, Futsal.
The purpose of this study was to determine the ratioaverage range component of physical conditionthe soccer player with futsal player, studies in athletes Football Schools Mitra Schools Futsal athletes Surabaya and Surabaya. Samples were taken number 16 soccer athletes and 16 athletes of futsal with a total of 32 people, sampling using purposive sampling. Collecting data using test and measurement of physical conditions such as cardiovascular endurance using Multistage Fitness Test (MFT), the speed of 20 meters using test acceleration, agility using Illinois Agility Run test, using test Vertical Jump power, flexibility using test Sit and Reach. Statistical calculations using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21, using Independent T test for comparison testing.Based on data analysis conclusion: 1. Know endurance athlete's VO2Max football that the average value of 40.79 while the results futsal endurance athlete's VO2Max average value of 43.23. 2. Given the speed of football athletes that the average value of 3.66 seconds while the results of futsal athletes speed average value of 3.48 seconds. 3. Given the results agility football athlete that the average value of 12.87 seconds while the results of futsal athletes agility average value of 13.62 seconds. 4. Given the results of the power of football athletes that the average value of 43.81 cm while the yield power of futsal athletes average value of 43.75 cm. 5. Given the results of soccer athletes flexibility that the average value of 15.09 inches while the results of futsal athletes flexibility average value of 14.35 inches. It can be concluded that there is a difference in the average range of the physical condition among athletes Football Schools Mitra Schools Futsal athletes Surabaya. Soccer School athlete known Mitra Surabaya have a level of physical condition, namely agility, power, and flexibility that is superior athletes Futsal School Surabaya. Meanwhile, Surabaya Futsal School athletes have a level of physical condition that is endurance and speed are superior athletes Surabaya Mitra Football School.
Keywords: Physical condition, Players, Football, Futsal.