Influence of Project Based Learning on Digital Literacy Skills and Learning
Outcomes of Journalistic Material in Class X Students at SMK Pembangunan
: Nurul Azmi
: 20070905011
Program : Postgraduate Program
of Educational Technology
Name : State University of
Supervisor : 1. Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
2. Dr. Irena Y. Maureen, M.Sc.
learning outcomes on the local content of journalism class X journalistic material
at SMK Pembangunan Surabaya are still relatively low. This is evidenced by the
fact that only 40% of students get a score according to KKM (>75) while 60%
get a score less than that number. After observations were made during
learning, it was found that there was a lack of students' digital literacy
skills and a discrepancy between the characteristics of the material and the
learning model used. The appropriate learning model is project-based learning.
study aims to determine the influence of the application of the Project based
learning model on digital literacy skills and student learning outcomes on
journalistic material in class X multimedia. In this study, quantitative
methods and data were used in the form of numbers which were then statistically
analyzed. This research method used a simple random sampling technique with the
research subjects of 48 students divided into experimental groups and control
groups. Data analysis techniques used use observation and written tests. The
results of the study are known that the data from the observations of teachers
and students obtained numbers when viewed from the criteria classified as very
good in applying the project base learning model.
scores in the three hypothesis tests using spss obtained results, namely, 1) on
the ability to think creatively to obtain a sig (2-tailed) 0.001, 2) on the
ability to think logically to obtain a sig (2-tailed) 0.120 on the ability to
solve problems to obtain a sig (2-tailed) result of 0.032, where the three numbers
are smaller than 0.05. Based on the results obtained above, Thus, Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted so that it can be concluded that there is a
significant influence on the application of the project-based learning model on
digital literacy skills and student learning outcomes.
Words: Project Based Learning, digital literacy, learning outcomes.