Model Dinamika Kecanduan Game Online Pada Gawai
Dynamics Model of Online Game Addiction on Gadget
Perkembangan internet yang sangat pesat menyebabkan semakin banyaknya hal yang dapat dilakukan di internet, salah satunya adalah bermain game online. Bermain game online memiliki dampak positif maupun negatif untuk masyarakat. Dampak positifnya, kita semakin mudah untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang dari berbagai tempat, melatih sportivitas, serta mengasah kreativitas. Di sisi lain dampak negatifnya adalah terjadinya kecanduan yang menyebabkan pemain game online menjadi lupa waktu dan abai terhadap tanggung jawabnya bahkan hingga mengabaikan tugas sekolah maupun pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau permasalahan kecanduan game online menggunakan model matematika. Model matematika yang digunakan adalah model SEAR dengan empat kompartemen yaitu susceptible, exposed, addicted dan recovery. Populasi penelitian ini dibatasi untuk kasus kecanduan game online pada gawai serta mengabaikan faktor adanya pemain profesional (e-sport). Dari model kemudian ditentukan titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit dan titik kesetimbangan endemik yang kemudian dianalisis kestabilannya. Selanjutnya, diperoleh bilangan reproduksi dasar R0 = 1.27, yang berarti terjadi kecanduan game online pada masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi numerik menggunakan python, diperoleh bahwa adanya kasus kecanduan game online ketika individu sudah memasang game online pada gawai pribadi. Di sisi lain, ketika laju individu yang memasang game online pada gawai pribadi rendah, terjadi penurunan populasi individu yang kecanduan bermain game online. Hal ini dapat diartikan, adanya kecenderungan terjadinya kecanduan bermain game online ketika individu telah memasang dan bermain game online pada gawai milik mereka pribadi.
The rapid development of the internet has led to more and more things that can be done on the internet, one of which is playing online games. Playing online games has both positive and negative impacts on society. The positive impact is that it is easier for us to communicate with people from various places, practice sportsmanship, and hone creativity. On the other hand, the negative impact is the occurrence of addiction which causes online game players to lose track of time and neglect their responsibilities and even neglect schoolwork and work. This study aims to review the problem of online game addiction using a mathematical model. The mathematical model used is the SEAR model with four compartments, namely susceptible, exposed, addicted and recovery. The population of this study is limited to cases of addiction to online games on devices and ignores the factor of having professional players (e-sports). From the model, a disease-free equilibrium point and an endemic equilibrium point were determined which were then analyzed for stability. Furthermore, the basic reproduction number is R0 = 1.27, which means that online game addiction occurs in the community. Based on the results of numerical simulations using python, it was found that there were cases of online game addiction when individuals already installed online games on their personal devices. On the other hand, when the rate of individuals who install online games on personal devices is low, there is a decrease in the population of individuals who are addicted to playing online games. This can be interpreted, there is a tendency to become addicted to playing online games when individuals have installed and played online games on their personal devices.