Latihan kondisi fisik merupakan bagian terpenting untuk semua cabang olahraga terutama cabang olahraga tenis. Tujuannya untuk membentuk kondisi fisik tubuh sebagai dasar untuk meningkatkan ketahanan, kebugaran, dan pencapaian suatu prestasi.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi fisik atlet tenis lapangan Jawa Timur XIX-2016. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah ex post facto (ekspos fakto) dengan pendekatan Analisis Data Sekunder (ADS) merupakan kegiatan penelititan menggunakan data sekunder yang sudah ada untuk mengkaji variabel-variabel yang telah terjadi sebelumnya
Adapun hasil dari penelitian bahwa 1) Kualitas kondisi fisik kekuatan otot lengan putra 40% tergolong baik sekali dan 60% tergolong kurang sekali. Sedangkan untuk kekuatan otot lengan putri 25% cukup, 25% baik sekali dan 50% kurang sekali. 2) Kualitas kondisi fisik kekuatan otot perut putra 25% tergolong cukup dan 75% tergolong baik sekali. Sedangkan untuk kekuatan otot perut putri 25% kurang, 25% baik dan 50% kurang sekali.. 3) Kualitas fisik kecepatan atlet putra 50% tergolong kurang sekali dan 50% tergolong baik sekali yang artinya 2 orang tergolong baik sekali dan 2 orang tergolong kurang sekali. Sedangkan kecepatan atlet putri 25% baik sekali, 25% cukup dan 50% kurang sekali. 4)Kualitas fisik daya tahan atlet putra 50% tergolong baik sekali dan 50% tergolong kategori baik. Sedangkan untuk daya tahan atlet putri 33% cukup, 33% baik dan 33% baik sekali. 5) Kualitas fisik daya ledak otot tungkai atlet putra 50% tergolong kurang sekali dan 50% tergolong baik sekali. Sedangkan daya ledak otot tungkai putri 50% tergolong kurang sekali dan 50% tegolong baik. 6) Kualitas fisik kelentukan putra 25% tergolong kurang sekali, 25% tergolong kurang, 25% tergolong cukup dan 25% teergolong baik sekali. Sedangkan kelentukan atlet putri 25% tergolong kurang sekali dan 75% tergolong baik.
Kata Kunci : Kondisi fisik, tenis lapangan, kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot perut, kecepatan, daya tahan,daya ledak otot tungkai, kelentukan.
Exercise physical condition is the most important part for all sports, especially tennis. The goal is to shape the physical condition of the body as a basis for increasing endurance, fitness, and achieving an achievement. The purpose of the study was to determine the physical condition of the athletes in East Java XIX-2016 field tennis.
The type of research used is ex post facto (exposential fact) with the Secondary Data Analysis approach (ADS) is a research activity using existing secondary data to examine the variables that have occurred before The results of the study are that 1) The quality of the physical condition of the strength of the male arm muscle is 40% classified as very good and 60% is classified as very poor. Whereas for female arm muscle strength 25% is sufficient, 25% is very good and 50% is very less. 2) The quality of the physical condition of the strength of the male abdominal muscles is 25% classified as sufficient and 75% is classified as very good. Whereas for female abdominal muscle strength 25% less, 25% good and 50% less ... 3) Physical quality of male athlete's speed 50% classified as less and 50% classified as very good which means 2 people classified as very good and 2 people classified as less once. While the speed of female athletes is 25% very good, 25% is enough and 50% is very poor. 4) Physical quality of endurance of male athletes 50% classified as very good and 50% classified as good category. Whereas for female athletes the durability is 33% enough, 33% good and 33% very good. 5) The physical quality of the explosive power of the 50% male athlete's leg muscles is classified as very poor and 50% is classified as very good. While the explosive power of the 50% female leg muscles is classified as less and 50% good. 6) The physical quality of male determinations is 25% classified as very poor, 25% classified as less, 25% classified as sufficient and 25% classified as very good. Whereas 25% of female athletes were classified as less and 75% classified as good.
Keywords: Physical condition, tennis court, arm muscle strength, abdominal muscle strength, speed, endurance, leg muscle explosive power, flexibility.