Eksplorasi Masalah Yang Dihadapi oleh Gamer Perempuan dan Strategi Coping yang Diterapkan
Women Gamers’ Problems and Coping Strategies: An Exploratory Study
Dengan menerapkan pendekatan studi kasus, penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini bermaksud mengungkap masalah para gamer perempuan dan strategi coping mereka. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan, dan observasi atas, beberapa partisipan, yaitu tiga gamer perempuan berusia 18-25 tahun. Analisis tematik atas data menghasilkan sejumlah temuan. Masalah para partisipan adalah makian, pelecehan verbal, diremehkan, dianggap berketerampilan rendah, dianggap beban tim, dicap “perempuan nakal” karena bermain game dengan laki-laki, dan diskriminasi berbasis gender di komunitas Mobile Legends. Untuk menanggulangi masalah, para partisipan menerapkan problem-focused coping, seperti membalas komentar negatif, berbagi cerita dengan orang dekat, melaporkan dan memblokir pemain toksik, mengaktifkan sejumlah fitur (mute player, away from keyboard, uninstall game), dan menunjukkan keterampilan bagus. Selain problem-focused coping, mereka menggunakan juga emotion-focused coping, seperti mengapresiasi hikmah di balik masalah, tidak bermain dengan pemain random, mengabaikan pengalaman buruk, menghibur diri dengan hal positif, dan menyalahkan manajemen.
Using the case-study approach, this qualitative psychological research aims to identify and understand women gamers’ problems and coping strategies. Data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews with—and observation of—women gamers aged 18–25. The thematic analysis performed on the data produced several findings. The women gamers’ problems included verbal sexual abuse, being perceived as a low-skilled player and a burden to the team, being labelled as a “loose woman” for playing games with male gamers, and, gender-based discrimination in the Mobile Legends community. The women gamers’ coping strategies were problem-focused and emotion- focused. The former strategy included talking back to the harasser, discussing problems with trusted others, reporting and blocking toxic players, activating useful features (e.g., muting a toxic player, practicing away-from-keyboard, uninstalling a game, and showing good skill). In addition, they also used emotion-focused coping strategy, such as appreciating the positive aspects of a problem, avoiding playing with random gamers, ignoring toxic players, having fun with good things, and criticizing the management.