Penelitian yang dilatarbelakangi oleh nilai-nilai feminisme eksistensialisme yang ditunjukkan tokoh杨贵妃yáng guìfēi sebagai tokoh perempuan yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap dinamika kehidupan istana pada kerajaan Tang. Terdapat dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini: (1) mendeskripsikan eksistensi tokoh杨贵妃yáng guìfēi dalam film Lady Of The Dynasty《王朝的女人·杨贵妃》karya十庆shí qìng dalam menghadapi kebebasan. (2) mendeskripsikan eksistensi tokoh杨贵妃yáng guìfēi dalam film Lady Of The Dynasty《王朝的女人·杨贵妃》karya十庆shí qìng dalam menghadapi kenyataan.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan feminisme eksistensialisme milik Simone De Beauvoir. Sumber data penelitian adalah film berbahasa Mandarin Lady Of The Dynasty《王朝的女人·杨贵妃》karya十庆shí qìng. Data berupa cuplikan ucapan tokoh baik monolog, percakapan dengan tokoh lain, dan ucapan dari tokoh lain yang berkaitan dengan tokoh 杨贵妃yáng guìfēi. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik sadap, teknik simak bebas libat cakap (TSBLC), dan teknik catat. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, yakni seluruh hasil penelitian bukan berupa angka, melainkan hasil penelitian harus dibahasakan. Uji validitas data menggunakan teknik trianggulasi metode, selain itu peneliti juga meningkatkan ketekunan pengamatan agar kepastian data sesuai dan sistematis.
Simpulan penelitian mencakup dua hal. Pertama, deskripsi nilai eksistensi tokoh杨贵妃yáng guìfēi dalam menghadapi kebebasan. Nilai kebebasan tokoh berupa: (1) kebebasan manusia dan hubungan antarmanusia, meliputi sikap acuh ta acuh (indifference), sikap cinta (love) dan sikap benci (hate). (2) kebebasan dan tanggung jawab. Tokoh杨贵妃yáng guìfēi tidak hanya bebas dalam bertindak, tapi juga terdapat tanggung jawab pada setiap tindakannya. Kedua, deskripsi nilai eksistensi tokoh杨贵妃yáng guìfēi dalam menghadapi kenyataan. Nilai kenyataan yang dihadapi tokoh meliputi lingkungan (environment), eksistensi orang lain (fellowmen), dan kematian (death).
Kata Kunci : Feminisme Eksistensialisme, Kebebasan, Kenyataan
The research was motivated by the values of existentialism feminism shown by the character杨贵妃yáng guìfēi as a female figure who had an influence on the dynamics of palace life in the Tang kingdom. There are two objectives in this study: (1) Describe the existence of the character杨贵妃yáng guìfēi in the movie Lady of the Dynasty 《王朝 的 女人 .杨贵妃》 The work of十庆shí qìng in facing freedom. (2) Describe the existence of the character杨贵妃yáng guìfēi in the movie Lady of the Dynasty 《王朝 的 女人 . 杨贵妃》 created by十庆shí qìng in facing reality.
This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. This study used is the approach of existentialism feminism by Simone De Beauvoir. The source of the research data is from Lady of the Dinasty Movie《王朝 的女人 . 杨贵妃》 created by十庆shí qìng, whereas the data was taken from short expression of the character in the monologue, dialogue, expression of other characters relating to character杨贵妃yáng guìfēi. Data collection techniques used the referring method in the order of the tapping technique, Simak Bebas Libat Cakap technique (TSBLC), and the Record technique. The data analysis technique in this study used descriptive methods, namely all research results are not in the form of numbers but the results of the study must be discussed. While the data validity test used the Trianggulation Method, besides that researcher also increased the persistence of observation so that the certainty of the data is appropriate and systematic.
The conclusion of the study covers two things. The first is, the description of the value of the existence of Gui Yang Gui Fei's figure in facing freedom. The values of the freedom of figures are: (1) human freedom and relation between humans, including indifference (ignorance), love (love attitude) and hate (hate attitude). (2) freedom and responsibility. Figure杨贵妃yáng guìfēi is not only free to act, but there is also responsibility for his actions. The second is, a description of the value of杨贵妃yáng guìfēi’s existence in facing reality. The value of reality faced by leaders includes environment, fellowmen (the existence of others), and death.
Keywords : Existentialism Feminism, Freedom, Reality