Snack bar adalah makanan ringan yang berbentuk batangan, bertekstur padat dan renyah yang berbahan dasar sereal dengan penambahan buah-buah kering dan kacang- kacangan. Rekayasa ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap hasil jadi snack bar yang meliputi warna, bentuk, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa; 2) kandungan gizi hasil produk terbaik snack bar per 100 g meliputi kalori, karbohidrat, protein, lemak, kadar gula, phosphor, kalsium, dan kalium 3) harga jual produk terbaik snack bar per 100g.
Rekayasa adalah uji coba dengan metode yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Gedung A8 Fakultas Teknik Unesa. Pengambilan data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan jumlah panelis sebanyak 30 orang panelis terlatih dan semi terlatih. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah rata-rata hitung (mean) terhadap tingkat kesukaan (hedonic) meliputi warna, bentuk, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa. Analisis data dimulai dari: 1) descriptif kualitatif, 2) uji kimiawi, 3) metode komersial, price cost. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) tingkat kesukaan terhadap snack bar berbahan kacang kedelai, kacang mete, emping jagung, dan kismis terhadap warna sebesar 93% panelis menyatakan suka, bentuk 90% panelis menyatakan suka, aroma 90% panelis menyatakan suka, tekstur 87% panelis menyatakan suka dan rasa 93% panelis menyatakan suka; 2) jumlah kandungan gizi snack bar per 100 g adalah kalori 458,50 kkal, karbohidrat 52,40%, protein 26,90%, lemak16,05%, kadar gula 22,35%, phosphor 265,80 mg, kalsium 98,60 mg, dan kalium 36,10 mg; 3) harga jual produk terbaik snack bar sebesar Rp. 13.805 per 100 g, lebih murah dibandingkan snack bar yang ada di komersial sebesar Rp. 20.000 per 100g.
Kata Kunci: snack bar
Snack bar is a snack in the form of bars, solid and crispy texture made from cereals with the addition of dried fruit and nuts. This engineering aims to find out: 1) the level of panelists' preference for the finished snack bar which includes color, shape, aroma, texture, and taste; 2) the nutritional content of the best snack bar products per 100 g include calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, sugar content, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium 3) the best selling price of snack bar products per 100g.
Engineering is a trial run with a method conducted at the Laboratory of Building A8, Faculty of Engineering, Unesa. Retrieval of data using observation sheets with a total of 30 panelists trained and semi-trained panelists. The data analysis technique used is the mean (mean) of the level of preference (hedonic) including color, shape, aroma, texture, and taste. Data analysis starts from: 1) descriptive qualitative, 2) chemical testing, 3) commercial methods, price cost. The results showed that: 1) the level of preference for snack bars made from soybeans, cashews, corn chips, and raisins for color was 93% of panelists said they liked, 90% of panelists said they liked, aroma 90% of panelists said they liked, texture 87% panelists said they liked and felt 93% of panelists said they liked; 2) the total nutritional content of snack bars per 100 g is 458.50 kcal calories, carbohydrates 52.40%, protein 26.90%, fat 16.05%, sugar content 22.35%, phosphorus 265.80 mg, calcium 98, 60 mg, and potassium 36.10 mg; 3) the selling price of the best snack bar products is Rp. 13,805 per 100 g, cheaper than snack bars in the commercial area of Rp. 20,000 per 100g.
keyword : snack bar