Novel Hingga Pantai Seberang By Aquarina Kharisma Putri (Study Of Existentialism Pilosophy S. Kierkegaard)
Humans in their lives are always trying to become a better person with their respective paths and goals. This behavior is carried out by humans in order to achieve an existence in life. This study aims to describe the existence of a novel entitled Hingga Pantai Seberang. The theory used is Soren Kierkegaard's philosophy of existentialism by focusing on the stages of aesthetic, ethical, religious, and hopelessness in Maya Maurelin's character. The method used is qualitative with an objective structuralist approach. The source of the data was obtained from the novel Hinggal Pantai Seberang by Aquarina Kharisma Putri and data were obtained in the form of sentences, paragraphs and dialogues. Data collection activities were carried out by studying literature which was then reviewed for validity by triangulation between researchers. While the analysis was carried out using descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the existence of Maya Maurelin's character was at an aesthetic stage, namely being a dangdut singer at a young age, changing her name, enjoying the journey of becoming a dangdut singer, doing some sexual activities. At the ethical stage Maya began to think about the future by getting married and began to stop being a dangdut singer. At the religious stage, Maya's character interacts with her God because she feels that she is no longer strong enough to face her problems alone. All actions in these three stages are triggered by the despair of the Maya character who does not feel happiness in life.
Keywords: Existence, aesthetic, ethical, religious, despair.