Perkembangan teknologi 5G membutuhkan perangkat dengan bandwith yang lebar, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan membuat desain antena vivaldi wearable ultrawideband dengan tambahan teknik multireconfigurable untuk memberikan bandwith lebar serta pilihan frekuensi kerja dan mudah digunakan. Antena vivaldi menggunakan bahan wearable di bagian substart menggunakan felt dan bagian patch berbahan copper tape dan shieldit. Teknik multireconfigurable yang diterapkan menggunakan teknik split ring resonator (SRR) dan electrical. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi ketebalan substrat 1mm memiliki rentang frekuensi 2.7 GHz - 8.7 GHz dengan bandwith fractional 1.22 > 0.2. Antena memliki sifat wearable sehingga dilakukan simulasi tingkat specific absorption rate (SAR) memiliki nilai 1.74 W/Kg. Hasil simulasi saat ditambahkan teknik SRR kondisi normal dengan bahan copper tape memiliki frekuensi kerja 2.8 GHz (-47dB) bergeser menjadi 3.0 GHz (-48 dB).Teknik electrical menggunakan sebuah dioda MA4E20541-1141T yang akan mempunyai dua kondisi forward dan reverse diletakkan di antara celah teknik SRR. Hasil fabrikasi bahan copper tape dan shieldit saat kondisi forward memiliki frekuensi kerja 3.0 GHz(-20 dB) dan 3.5 GHz(-18 dB). Kondisi reverse berubah menjadi 2.5 GHz (-21 dB) dan 3.7 GHz (-16dB). Terdapat perubahan struktur antena dengan teknik multireconfigurable mempengaruhi frekuensi kerja dan memberikan memberikan pilihan frekuensi kerja dan dapat diterapkan untuk teknologi WLAN, WiMAX, dan WiFi.
The development of 5G technology requires devices with broad bandwidth, so this research aims to create a design for a wearable ultrawideband vivaldi antenna with additional multireconfigurable techniques to provide broad bandwith as well as frequency choices of work and ease of use. The vivaldi antenna uses wearable material in the substart part using the felt and the patch part using copper tape and shieldit. Multireconfigurable techniques applied using split ring resonator (SRR) and electrical techniques. Based on the results of the simulation of the thickness of the substrate 1mm has a frequency range of 2.7 GHz - 8.7GHz with a fractional bandwith of 1.22 > 0.2. The antenna has wearable properties so that a level simulation specific absorption rate (SAR) has a value of 1.74 W/Kg. The simulation results when added SRR technique normal conditions with copper tape material have a working frequencies of 2.8 GHz (-47dB) shifted to 3.0 GHz. (-48 dB).Technique with electrical uses a MA4E20541-1141T diode which will have two conditions, forward and reverse . Diode placed between the SRR gap. The result of the manufacture of copper tape and shieldit material when forward conditions have working frequencies of 3.0 GHz (20 dB) and 3.5 GHz (18 dB), but change conditions reverse have working frequencies of 2.5 GHz(-21 dB) dan 3.7 GHz(-16dB). There are changes in the structure of the antenna with multireconfigurable techniques affecting the working frequency and giving the choice of frequencies working and can be applied to WLAN, WiMAX, and WiFi technologies.