Profil Miskonsepsi Siswa Kelas X SMA Pada Topik Virus Berdasarkan Three-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test
Profile Of 10th Grade High School Students Misconception On Virus Topic Based On Three-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test
Pembelajaran biologi erat kaitannya dengan konsep. Miskonsepsi muncul dalam beberapa prinsip biologi dasar. Salah satu topik biologi yang sering mengalami miskonsepsi adalah virus. Untuk mengenali miskonsepsi pada siswa, metode three-tier diagnostic test penting untuk digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan miskonsepsi siswa, persentase miskonsepsi siswa, dan sumber miskonsepsi topik virus di SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, meliputi penyusunan instrumen tes diagnostik pilihan ganda three tier, validasi instrumen, observasi siswa, wawancara dengan siswa, analisis data dan penilaian hasil. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas X SMA dengan jumlah siswa 36 siswa yang telah menerima topik virus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 5,43% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi positif, 6,88% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi negatif, 30,56% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi. Total miskonsepsi menunjukkan bahwa 42,87% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi virus. Miskonsepsi tertinggi terdapat pada konsep reproduksi bakteriofag sebesar 49,07%. Miskonsepsi terendah terdapat pada konsep peran virus sebesar 36,8%. Miskonsepsi tertinggi terdapat pada indikator mengidentifikasi cara hidup virus dalam sel inang sebesar 63,89%, sedangkan miskonsepsi terendah pada indikator mengidentifikasi peran positif virus bagi kehidupan manusia sebesar 19,44%. Aspek penyebab terjadinya miskonsepsi adalah buku yang tidak memadai, metode pembelajaran yang terbatas selama pandemi Covid-19, dan kesalahan konteks yang dialami siswa.
Kata Kunci: profil, miskonsepsi, virus topik, three-tier diagnostic test.
Biology learning is closely tied to concepts. Misconceptions arise within learning of several fundamental biological principles. One of the biology topics frequently faces misconceptions is viruses. To recognize misconceptions in students, the three-tier multi-choice diagnostic test method is important to be used. This research was intended to explain the misconception of students, the percentage of student misconception and the source of virus topic misconception in high school. This research was a multi-stage qualitative descriptive research, including the preparation of a three-tier multi-choice diagnostic test instrument, the validation of instruments, conducting student observations, conducting interviews with the students, the analysis of data and the assessment of outcomes. This research was performed at 10 th grade High School with as many as 36 students receiving virus topic. Results showed that 5.43% of students encountered positive misconceptions, 6.88% students encountered negative misconceptions, 30.56% students encountered misconception. Total misconceptions showed that 42.87% of students encountered misconception of virus topic. The highest misconception was found in the concept of bacteriophage reproduction, which had the largest misconception of 49.07%. The lowest misconception was found in the concept of the role of viruses, which had the smallest misconception of 36.8%. The highest misconception was found in the indicator of Identifying the way the virus lives in the host cell, which had the largest misconception of 63.89%, while the lowest was 19.44% in the indicator of identifying the role of viruses that are beneficial to human life. The aspects that contributed to the misconception were inadequate books, restricted choice of learning approaches during the Covid-19 pandemic, and context errors faced by students.
Keywords: profile, misconception, virus topic, three-tier diagnostic test.