Transposisi Subjek dalam Kumpulan Puisi A. Mustofa Bisri (Kajian Dekonsosiosufistik)
Transposition of Subjects in Collections of Poetry A. Mustofa Bisri (Deconsociosufistic Study)
Andi Karman. 2016. NIM 16070956016, “Transposisi Subjek dalam Kumpulan Puisi A. Mustofa Bisri (Kajian Dekonsosiosufistik)”. Disertasi. Program Studi S-3 Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Haris Supratno, Kopromotor: Prof. Dr. Suyatno, M.Pd.
Kata kunci: transposisi subjek, A. Mustofa Bisri, puisi, dekonsosiosufistik.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menemukan makna subjek negasi, 2) menemukan makna subjek sosial, dan 3) menemukan makna subjek spiritual dalam kumpulan puisi A. Mustofa Bisri dengan menggunakan kajian dekonsosiosufistik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini dipilih enam antologi puisi A. Mustofa Bisri yang berjudul Ohoi: Kumpulan Puisi Balsem (1994), Pahlawan dan Tikus (1995), Wekwekwek: Sajak-sajak Bumilangit (1996), Negeri Daging (2002), Aku Manusia (2016), Gandrung (2017). Data dikumpulkan dengan cara studi pustaka dan dianalisis dengan hermeneutika objektif. Hasil penelitian, yakni: 1) subjek negasi meliputi subjek ironi dan subjek paradoks, 2) subjek sosial meliputi fakta kemanusiaan, subjek kolektif, dan pandangan dunia, 3) subjek spiritual meliputi cinta biologis, cinta rohaniah, dan cinta ilahiah. Kumpulan puisi A. Mustofa Bisri menghasilkan karya yang bertransformasi posisi atas subjek, sehingga menghasilkan proposisi 1) subjek negasi dapat bertransposisi melalui pembalikan makna kata sifat, repetisi, pertanyaan pada puisi berdasarkan subjek sosial, 2) subjek sosial dapat bertransposisi melalui kesadaran individu dan masyarakat menuju subjek spiritual, 3) subjek spiritual dapat bertransposisi melalui subjek yang berbentuk eksistensi menuju subjek esensi.
Andi Karman. 2016. NIM 16070956016, “Transposition of Subjects in a Collection of Poetry A. Mustofa Bisri (Dekonsociosufistic Studies)”. Dissertation. S-3 Study Program Language and Literature Education, Postgraduate, State University of Surabaya. Promoter: Prof. Dr. H. Haris Suprtano, Copromotor: Prof. Dr. Suyatno, M.Pd.
Keywords: subject transposition, A. Mustofa Bisri, poetry, dekonsociosufistic.
This study aims to 1) find the meaning of the subject of negation, 2) find the meaning of the social subject, and 3) find the meaning of the spiritual subject in A. Mustofa Bisri's poetry collection using deconsocio-sufistic studies. The method used in this research is qualitative. The data sources for this research were selected from six anthologies of A. Mustofa Bisri's poems entitled Ohoi: A Collection of Balm Poetry (1994), Heroes and Mice (1995), Wekwekwek: Poems from Bumilangit (1996), Land of Flesh (2002), I am Human (2016) ), Gandrung (2017). Data was collected by way of literature study and analyzed by objective hermeneutics. The results of the research are: 1) the subject of negation includes the subject of irony and the subject of paradox, 2) the social subject includes human facts, collective subjects, and world views, 3) the spiritual subject includes biological love, spiritual love, and divine love. A collection of poems by A. Mustofa Bisri produces works that transform the position of the subject, resulting in propositions 1) the subject of negation can be transposed through reversal of the meaning of adjectives, repetition, questions in poetry based on social subjects, 2) social subjects can be transposed through individual and societal awareness towards spiritual subject, 3) spiritual subject can transpose through a subject in the form of existence to an essence subject.