is an activity every month that brings people from various regions to gather to
gain knowledge together or in congregation together with the music group Lemut
Samudro. Lemut Samurdo combines traditional and modern musical instruments,
playing major, minor, pelog, slendro, sika, bayati, hijaz and rost scales.
Lemut Samudro's use of oud differentiates them from other musical groups. Oud
adds an element of life to songs, especially those with Arabic or religious
nuances, making their performance unique and beautiful. The existence of this
group should be appreciated, with songs that convey deep meaning and emotions.
The aim of this research is (1) to explain the background to the formation of
the Lemut Samudro music group at the Padhangmbulan event in Menturo Sumobito
Jombang, (2) to describe the existence of the Lemut Samudro music group at the Padhangmbulan
event in Menturo Sumbito Jombang.
research uses qualitative methods, through observation, interviews and
documentation data collection techniques. Apart from that, data analysis is
done through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. To check
the trustworthiness or validity of the data, researchers use source
triangulation, technique triangulation, and time triangulation.
The results
of this research show that the Lemut Samudro music group has been born,
developed and existed since 2018. Until now the Lemut Samudro music group
still maintains its existence, of course with (1) internal support coming from
the group itself (2) external support provided come from outside the party or
Keywords: Padhangmbulan, existence, Lemut