Literature Study on Handling of Students' Late Attendance at School
Disetiap sekolahan pasti ada yang namanya tata tertip. Tata tertip harusnya dipatuhi oleh warga sekolah. Ada berbagai macam bentuk pelanggaran disekolah, dari berbagai macam bentuk pelanggaran di sekolah yang akan dibahas oleh peneliti yaitu keterlambatan siswa. Tujuan pelitian ini adalah melakukan kajian kepustakaan secara sistematis tentang ke efektifan teknik konseling untuk menanggulangi siswa terlambat sekolah, peneliti akan mengkaji beberapa teknik konseling yang digunakan untuk menanggulangi siswa terlambat sekolah. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian pustaka (library research) ini adalah berupa data – data kepustakaan yang telah dipilih, dicari serta dianalisis. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan 20 artikel yang diantaranya didapatkan dari portal jurnal Google scholar. Pada hasil pelitian ditemukan 5 teknik yang efektif untuk pemberian penanganan siswa terlambat hadir di sekolah yaitu Konseling kelompok, Bimbingan kelompok, Konseling individu, Self management, dan teknik modeling yang efektif untuk penaganan. Kata Kunci : Siswa Terlambat, Faktor,Penanganan
Every school has rules of conduct. The school rules must be obeyed. There are various forms of violations in schools, from various forms of violations in schools that will be discussed by researchers, namely student tardiness. The purpose of this research is to systematically review the literature on the effectiveness of counseling techniques for dealing with late-school students. The purpose of this research is to carry out a systematic literature review on the effectiveness of counseling techniques to deal with students who are late for school, the researcher will examine some of the counseling techniques used to deal with students who are late for school. The data collection used in this library research is in the form of selected, searched and analyzed library data. In this study, 20 articles were obtained, some of which were obtained from the Google Scholar journal portal. In the research results found 5 effective techniques for providing treatment for students late attending school, namely group counseling, group counseling, individual counseling, self-management, and effective modeling techniques for handling.
Keywords: Late Students, Factors, Handling