Penelitian mengenai jokes (set up dan punchline) dalam wacana humor komika Popon Kerok dalam acara stand up comedy Indonesi (SUCI) 8 di kompas tv untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk permanan kebahasaan, fungsi wacana humor, dan konteks wacana humor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskripstif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini berupa jokes (set up dan punchline) komika Popon Kerok dalam acara stand up comedy Indonesi 8. Metode analisis data yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah padan dengan teknik deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode simak dan teknik simak bebas libat cakap. Proses analisis data dilakukan beberapa tahan yaitu tahap transkripsi, klasifikasi, pengodean, penganalisisan data, dan penyimpulan data. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan terhadap data yang telah dikumpulkan, ditemukan 9 bentuk permainan bahasa dalam jokes (set up dan punchline) Popon Kerok dalam acara stand up comedy Indoensia 8 yaitu: repetisi 17, inversi 1, homonimi kata biasa 2, metafora artifisial 2, substitusi frasa 3, substitusi nomina 1, Sexual Allusion 1, misunderstanding 2, dan satir 6. Kemudian ditemukan 4 fungsi wacana humor yaitu: fungsi hiburan ada 25, protes sosial 4, memperbaiki akhlak dan moral 5, dan pendidikan 1. Konteks sosial ditemukan 4 konteks: konteks ekonomi 7, konteks politik 3, konteks kemasyarakatan 5, dan konteks hukum 5.
Research on jokes (set up and punchline) in Comika Popok comic humor discourse in stand up comedy Indonesian Indonesian8 on TV compass to describe the permanent form of language, the function of humor discourse , and the context of humor discourse. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject of this research is jokes (set up and punchline) Popon Kerok in comedystand up comedy Indonesian8. The data analysis method used in this study is in line with descriptive techniques. Methods of data collection using the refer method and proficient free listening. The process of data analysis is carried out several resistance, namely the stage of transcription, classification, coding, analyzing data, and concluding data. Based on the analysis of the data collected, it was found nine forms of the language game in jokes (set-up and punchline) Popon Scrape in the event stand up comedy premises 8 namely: the repetition of 17, inversion 1, homonymy ordinary word 2, metaphor artificially 2, substitution phrase 3, noun substitution 1, Sexual Allusion 1, misunderstanding 2, and satire 6. Then found 4 functions of humor discourse namely: entertainment function there are 25, social protest 4, moral and moral 5 improvement, and education 1. Social context is found in 4 contexts : economic context 7, political context 3, community context 5, and legal context 5.