Jam is an
ingredient with a gel or semi-gel consistency made from fresh fruit boiled with
sugar, pectin and acids. Pumpkin fruit is a vegetable known by another name
Lageneria Vulgaris, this fruit is found in the tropics area. Pumpkin Fruit has
many benefits for the health, because it contains antioxidants, minerals,
vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. The purpose of making Water Pumpkin Jam is to find out formulation
as desired, the level of preference for the panelists regarding the shape,
color, aroma, thickness and taste, nutritional content per 100 grams, selling
price per bottle. The method used is the trial method, 3 times to get the
appropriate product results. The results of the assessment of the favorite test
were obtained from 30 panelists, and the data were analyzed using qualitative
descriptive (percentage). The results of the trials were: Water Pumpkin Jam making
formulation using Strawberry Jam Recipe, The test results were 83% liked the
shape, 80% liked the color, 50% liked the aroma, 67% liked the thickness, and
83% liked the taste, Calculation of nutritional content based on DKBM is Energy
429.82 kcal, carbohydrates 93.13 g, Calcium 2755 mg, Phosphorus 556.315 mg,
Water 263.18 g, Fiber 2.5 g, Glucose 460 mg, Sodium 8.33 mg, Protein 2,44 mg,
Fat 3.09 g, Iron 1001.02 mg, Vitamin B1 3003 mg, and Potassium 143.67 mg, The
selling price is Rp. 15,857. The overall suitable Water Pumpkin Jam
formulation was the third trial.
Keywords : Jam, Fruit, Water Pumpkin.