Keterapilan bermain merupakan suatu hal rangkaian yang penting yang harus dikuasi setiap individu pemain bolavoli, keterampilan bermain itu sendiri merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk melakukan gerak secara efektif dan efisien dalam sebuah permainan. Ada beberapa jenis keterampilan dalam permainan bolavoli yaitu service, block, attack, receive, dig, dan toss. Selain itu kejuaraan tingkat elit di Indonesia yaitu Proliga yang di perkuat oleh pemain lokal dan pemain asing. Proliga juga membuat aturan yang wajib dilakukan setiap tim yang mendaftar, salah satu aturannya adalah wajib mendatangkan pemain asing maksimal dua pemain asing dalam satu tim. Maka dari itu dalam penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perbandingan keterampilan bermain pemain asing dan pemain lokal putra pada final four Proliga 2019.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterampilan bermain pemain asing putra seperti apa dan pemain lokal putra seperti apa yang bermain pada final four Proliga 2019 pada putaran kedua yang di selelnggarakan di Gor Ken Arok Malang Jawa Timur Indonesia. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan in adalah kuantitatif non eksperimen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah tim putra yang masuk pada final four Proliga 2019.
Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 1 hari dengan melihat video pertandingan final four Proliga 2019. Hasil penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan rumus efektivitas dan presentase dengan hasil yang terbaik (1) pemain lokal SA (3) untuk scooring skill service, block, dan attack denga total aktivitas 147 kali dengan rincian poin 69 kali dengan presentase 46,9%, rally 46 kali dengan presentase 31,2%, dan gagal 32 kali dengan presentase 21,7%. Untuk non scooring skill meliputi receive, dig, dan toss dengan total aktivitas 71 kali dengan rincian bagus 57 kali dengan presentase 80,2%, sedang 11 kali dengan presentase 15,4% dan gagal 3 kali dengan presentase 4,2%. Sedangkan dari sumbangan poin pada tim yaitu 69 poin dengan efektivitas 28,3% dari total poin tim Jakarta BNI 46 yaitu 243 poin. (2) pemain asing AZC (4) untuk scooring skill service, block dan attack dengan total aktivitas 137 kali dengan rincian poin 56 kali dengan presentase 40,8%, rally 38 kali dengan presentase 27,7%, dan gagal 43 kali dengan presentase 31,3%. Untuk non scooring skill meliputi receive, dig, dan toss dengan total aktivitas 80 kali dengan rincian bagus 49 kali dengan presentase 61,2%, rally 27 kali dengan presentase 33,7%, dan gagal 4 kali dengan presentase 5 %. Sedangkan dari sumbangan poin pada tim yaitu 56 poin dengan efektivitas 25,9% dari total poin tim Palembang Bank Sumsel Babel yaitu 216 poin.
Playing ability is an important sequence that must be mastered by each individual volleyball player, playing skill itself is a person's ability to move effectively and efficiently in a game. There are several types of skills in volleyball games namely service, block, attack, receive, dig, and toss. In addition, the elite level championship in Indonesia, namely Proliga, was strengthened by local players and foreign players. Proliga also makes rules that must be done by every team that registers, one of the rules is that it is mandatory to bring in foreign players a maximum of two foreign players in a team. Therefore in this study examines the comparison of playing skills of foreign players and male local players in the final four of Proliga 2019.
The purpose of this research is to find out what kind of playing skills of foreign male players and what local male players play in the final four of Proliga 2019 in the second round which is held in Gor Ken Arok Malang, East Java, Indonesia. the method used in this research is non-experimental quantitative. The sample in this study is the men's team who entered the final four Proliga 2019.
This research was conducted for 1 day by watching the video of the final match of Proliga 2019. The results of this study used the help of the formula of effectiveness and percentage with the best results (1) local SA players (3) for scooring skill service, blocks, and attacks with total activity 147 times with breakdown points 69 times with a percentage of 46.9%, rally 46 times with a percentage of 31.2%, and failed 32 times with a percentage of 21.7%. For non scooring skills include receive, dig, and toss with 71 times total activity with good details 57 times with 80.2% percentage, 11 times with 15.4% percentage and fail 3 times with 4.2% percentage. While the contribution of points to the team is 69 points with an effectiveness of 28.3% of the total points of the BNI 46 team that is 243 points. (2) foreign players AZC (4) for scooring skill service, blocks and attacks with a total of 137 times with breakdown points 56 times with a percentage of 40.8%, rally 38 times with a percentage of 27.7%, and fail 43 times with a percentage 31.3%. For non scooring skills include receive, dig, and toss with a total activity 80 times with good details 49 times with a percentage of 61.2%, rally 27 times with a percentage of 33.7%, and fail 4 times with a percentage of 5%. While the contribution of points to the team is 56 points with an effectiveness of 25.9% of the total points of the Palembang Bank Sumsel Babel team which is 216 points.
The conclusion from the whole shows that there is a comparison of playing skills between local players and foreign players in terms of service, block, attack, receive, dig, and toss.