Model inkuiri terbimbing melalui teaching question merupakan suatu model dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang dipadukan dengan strategi bertanya untuk membantu siswa dalam melaksanakan kegiatan ilmiah. Penelitian pengembangan perangkat model inkuiri melalui teaching question bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMP. Perangkat penelitian dikembangkan dengan metode pengembangan perangkat Dick and Carey. Tingkat keberhasilan penelitian ditinjau dari kevalidan (isi dan kontekstual perangkat pembelajaran), kepraktisan (keterlaksanaan RPP dan Kendala), dan keefektifan (Peningkatan Hasil Belajar, Respon Siswa, dan Aktivitas Siswa). Penelitian dilakukan pada 53 siswa kelas VIII. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kevalidan perangkat RPP 3,43 (valid), Buku Siswa sangat valid (3,71), LKS valid (3,5), ITHSB sangat valid (3,68), dengan kepraktisan pembelajaran melalui Keterlaksanaan RPP sangat baik (3,78), dengan keefektifan pembelajaran melalui aktivitas siswa sangat baik (86%), Respon Siswa sangat baik (87,11%) dan N-Gain rata-rata siswa Tinggi (0,81).
Kata Kunci: Teaching Question, Inkuiri Terbimbing, Hasil Belajar
The guided inquiry model through teaching questions is a model in learning activities that are integrated with the questioning strategy to assist students in carrying out scientific activities. Research into the development of inquiry models through teaching questions aims to improve junior high school student learning outcomes. The research tool was developed using the Dick and Carey device development method. The level of the success of the study in terms of validity (content and contextual learning tools), practicality (implementation of lesson plans and constraints), and effectiveness (Improved Learning Outcomes, Student Responses, and Student Activities). The study was conducted on 53 students of class VIII. The results showed that the level of validity of the lesson plan was 3.43 (valid), the Student Book was very valid (3.71), the student worksheet was valid (3.5), ITHSB was very valid (3.68), with the practicality of learning through the implementation of the lesson plan was very good (3,78), with the effectiveness of learning through student activities are very good (86%), Student Responses are very good (87.11%) and the N-Gain of students is High (0.81).
Keywords: Teaching Question, Guided Inquiry, Learning Outcomes