Name :
Faisal Muzakki
Student’s Identity : 15051214001
Degree : Bachelor
Information System
Program : Informatics
Faculty : Faculty of
Institution : State University
of Surabaya
Advisor : Ardhini Warih Utami., S.Kom., M.Kom
Employee Work Target is an
activity that must be carried out for every Civil Servant. The preparation of
Employee Work Targets at the Nganjuk District Communication and Information
Office was made using Microsoft Excel. The compilation that uses Microsoft
Excel has several disadvantages including being able to change data related to
SKP which can cause the calculation results to change, hampering the validation
process by the supervisor of the appraisal official and irregularly the SKP
realization file. In addition, the implementation of SKP also involves three
parties, namely employees, appraisal officials and appraisal officials'
superiors which can slow the duration of the SKP process that occurs when one
party is carrying out official duties outside the Nganjuk District Office of
Communication and Information.
This thesis was conducted to
produce a Web Service-based Civil Service performance evaluation target
information system. Web Service used as a service in the form of information to other
systems so that interaction can occur in all systems involved. Web Service also
stores information data in an XML file so that it can be accessed by other
systems despite different platforms, OS or even compiler languages. On civil
servant performance appraisal information system, employee data is accessed
from the Employee Data Web Service in the Nganjuk District BKD (Regional
Personnel Agency). So that employee data on the SKP Web is automatically
integrated with employee Web Service data at BKD, plus the Drilldown feature is
used to identify data in more detail. With this performance appraisal
information system, employees can carry out the SKP process easily and can
eliminate the occurrence of calculation errors. In addition, the system can
simplify the communication process related to appraisal errors by the appraisal
officer of employees. This employee performance appraisal system can be
accessed by other systems, so that the system integrates with each other.
This system was made through
several stages. The first stage is to analyze the problems in the existing
system so that the system can be made to overcome the problems that arise
before. The second stage is to design the system to provide an overview of the
system to be built so that the system process flow is more directed. The third
stage is coding, the system is created using the Codeigniter Framework and the
database used is Mysql, as well as the Web Service integration process. While
the Drilldown feature uses high charts tools that have been implemented in
accordance with the Codeigniter framework. The next stage is testing with
black-box testing to ensure there are no errors that occur in the system.
Keywords : Information
Systems, SKP, Web Service, Drilldown, Codeigniter Framework.