Pola gaya hidup sedentari remaja di dunia tercatat mengalami peningkatan di masa pandemi covid 19 ini dan aktifitas fisik remaja di dunia pun tercatat masuk kedalam kategori rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran mengenai profil Sedentary Lifestyle pada remaja umur 15 – 17 tahun ( studi di kabupaten Lamongan ). Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan populasi 1033 siswa SMK N 1 Lamongan dengan sampel sebanyak 176 remaja. Pengambilan data menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnaire ( IPAQ ) dalam google form yang di sebarkan ke pada siswa melalui WA. Kemudian hasil di olah ke dalam excel kemudian di analisis deskriptif menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa selama masa pandemi covid 19 remaja umur 15-17 tahun di Lamongan memiliki aktifitas fisik sedang 69, 5 % serta berat badan normal 64,8 % dan gaya sendetari rendah 72,2 % . Kesimpulan penelitian ini, selama masa pandemi covid 19 tidak membuat remaja umur 15-17 tahun di Lamongan menjalani gaya hidup sedentari dan tetap menjalankan aktivitas fisik pada kategori sedang. Berat badan remaja di Lamongan juga masuk pada kategori normal.
Kata Kunci: covid, sedentary lifestyle, aktifitas fisik
The sedentary lifestyle of teens around the world has been documented to have increased during the COVID-19 epidemic, and teenagers' physical activity has been classified as low. The goal of this study is to describe the Sedentary Lifestyle profile among adolescents aged 15 to 17 (study in Lamongan district). With a population of 1033 pupils from SMK N 1 Lamongan and a sample of 176 teens, the study employed a descriptive method. Data collection using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) on a google form that is delivered to students through WA. The data is subsequently entered into Excel and descriptively evaluated using the SPSS program. The findings revealed that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, teenagers aged 15-17 in Lamongan engaged in moderate physical activity 69, 5 %, maintained an ideal body weight 64, 8 %, and 72, 2% low sedentary lifestyle. %). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the findings of this study showed that adolescents aged 15-17 years in Lamongan did not adopt a sedentary lifestyle and continued to engage in moderate physical activity. In Lamongan, adolescent weight is likewise within the usual range.
Keywords: covid, sedentary lifestyle, physical activity