Kecamatan Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan banjir, salah satu wilayahnya yakni di Kelurahan Kalirejo yang mengalami kejadian banjir besar sebanyak 24 kali dalam kurun waktu antara tahun 2010-2020, hal ini berdasar dari data BPBD Kabupaten Pasuruan tahun 2021 dan hasil keterangan warga Kelurahan Kalirejo. Banjir yang terjadi akibat luapan sungai Wrati dan sungai Kedunglarangan. Bencana banjir sangat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi masyarakat baik berupa kerugian materil maupun non materil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) Dampak inundasi bencana banjir di Kelurahan Kalirejo dan 2) Tingkat dampak banjir terhadap permukiman di Kelurahan Kalirejo Kecamatan Bangil kabupaten Pasuruan.
Penelitian ini di lakukan di Kelurahan Kalirejo dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Obyek penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang terdampak banjir dengan populasi sebanyak 1.879 penduduk diperoleh sampel sebanyak 100 responden dilakukan dengan pengambilan sample secara random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dampak inundasi bencana banjir dan data tingkat dampak banjir diperoleh dengan penyebaran kuisioner. Analisis data dampak inundasi bencana banjir dengan mengelompokkan hasil jawaban responden berdasarkan dampak sosial dan dampak ekonomi yang dialami, sedangkan tingkat dampak banjir dengan perhitungan skoring yakni nilai skor 1 tergolong rendah, nilai skor 2 tergolong sedang, dan nilai skor 3 tergolong tinggi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Dampak inundasi bencana banjir di Kelurahan Kalirejo untuk dampak sosial paling banyak responden menjawab yakni akses jalan terputus sebanyak 45 responden dan dampak ekonomi paling banyak responden menjawab yakni biaya perbaikan alat elektronik rusak sebanyak 46 responden. 2) Tingkat dampak banjir terhadap permukiman di Kelurahan Kalirejo dari perhitungan skoring diperoleh hasil jumlah skor 5 yang merupakan kategori sedang.
Kata Kunci : Banjir, Dambak Inundasi, Tingkat Dampak Banjir
Bangil Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency is one of the flood-prone areas, one of which is in Kalirejo Village which experienced major flooding events 24 times in the period 2010-2020, this is based on data from BPBD Pasuruan Regency in 2021 and the results of information from residents Kalirejo Village. Floods that occurred due to the overflow of the Wrati and Kedunglarangan rivers. The flood disaster greatly affects the condition of the community in the form of material and non-material losses. The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the impact of flood inundation in Kalirejo Village and 2) the level of flood impact on settlements in Kalirejo Village, Bangil District, Pasuruan Regency.
This research was conducted in Kalirejo Village using quantitative descriptive research. The object of this research is the community affected by the flood with a population of 1,879 residents, a sample of 100 respondents was obtained by taking samples by random sampling. The technique of collecting data on the impact of flood inundation and data on the level of flood impact was obtained by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis on the impact of the flood disaster inundation by grouping the results of respondents' answers based on the social impact and economic impact experienced, while the level of flood impact with a scoring calculation, namely the score of 1 is low, the score of 2 is moderate, and the score of 3 is high.
The results of the study show 1) The impact of the inundation of the flood disaster in Kalirejo Village for the social impact, the most respondents answered that road access was cut off as many as 45 respondents and the economic impact of the most respondents answered that the cost of repairing damaged electronic equipment was 46 respondents. 2) The level of flood impact on settlements in Kalirejo Village from the calculation of the score obtained the total score of 5 which is a medium category.
Keywords : Flood, Inundation Impact, Flood Impact Level