Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan alasan istri pertama yang dipoligami mempertahankan pernikahannya, persoalan-persoalan yang ia hadapi dalam menjalani poligami, dan coping strategy yang ia terapkan guna mengatasi tekanan-tekanan yang ia alami. Riset ini berpendekatan studi kasus kualitatif. Yang berperan sebagai subjek penelitian adalah 2 istri pertama yang dipoligami secara paksa oleh suami. Dalam mengumpulkan data, riset ini menggunakan teknik wawancara semi terstruktur, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dalam mengolah data, riset ini menerapkan triangulasi dan analisis tematik. Penelitian ini membuahkan beberapa temuan. Ternyata istri pertama mempertahankan pernikahan demi anak. Dalam menjalani poligami, istri pertama menghadapi beberapa persoalan. Pertama, ada persoalan ekonomi. Kedua, ada persoalan psikologis, seperti rasa sakit hati, komunikasi tak optimal, relasi pernikahan tak harmonis, dan tak terpenuhinya kebutuhan seksual. Persoalan ketiga adalah gangguan kesehatan fisik. Riset ini mengungkapkan bahwa dalam menanggulangi tekanan, kedua subjek mengerahkan coping strategy yang berorientasi pada emosi (emotional focused coping).
Kata kunci: emotional focused coping, poligami, istri pertama
This study seeks to discover the reasons why some first wives continue to preserve their polygamous marriage, the problems they encounter in such a marriage, and the strategies they employ to cope with the pressures they experience. This research uses the qualitative case study approach. Serving as subjects in this research are two first wives whose husband has taken a new wife without their consent. Collected through semi-structured interviews, observation, and documentation, the data were triangulated and then interpreted by means of a thematic analysis. The study yields several findings. The first wives keep their marriage because they want to ensure the wellbeing of their child/children. On the other hand, polygamous marriage exposes these women to a number of problems. First, they face financial pressures. Second, they wrestle with psychological problems such as resentment, poor interpersonal communications, dysfunctional marital relations, and frustrated sexual needs. Third, they suffer from physical health issues. In managing their problems, both subjects rely on a strategy known as emotional focused coping.
Keywords: emotional focused coping, polygamy, first wives