Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan nilai estetika bentuk make up dan kostum pada tokoh Asterix beserta sahabatnya Obelix pada film Asterix At The Olympic Games. Pemilihan film Asterix At The Olympic Games sebagai objek penelitian karena film ini diambil dari versi komik berseri yang paling populer di dunia terjual hinga 350 eksemplar. Film yang mengambil latar tahun 50 SM memberiikan gambaran bagaimana perjuangan Asterix dan Obelix beserta teman-temanya yang berasal dari desa kecil menuju kancah Olimpiade di Yunani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan estetika dalam karya make dan kostum asterix. 2) mendeskripsikan estetika dalam karya make dan kostum Obelix.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dan dilanjutkan menganalisa bedasarkan dengan teori Estetika Monroe Beardsley yaitu Kesatuan, Kerumitan, dan Kesungguhan. Data diperoleh dari studi pustaka. Data deskripsi tentang tokoh dan karakter dilakukan pengamatan terhadap bentuk make up dan kostum serta narasi/cerita film.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kesatuan dalam karya make up Asterix merupakan jenis karakter dan gaya make up realis yang memiliki keseimbangan simetris dan proporsi yang baik. Kostum Asterix memiliki nilai kesatuan yang dipakai merupakaan kostum jenis prajurit, memiliki nilai keseimbangan asimetris dan kurang proporsional. Kerumitan make up Asterix dibentuk kumisnya dan kostum Asterix memiliki sisi kerumitan pada tatanan sayap pada helm perang. Kesungguhan pada make up Asterix cenderung memberikan efek riang, supel namun tegas. Kostum Asterix memberi nilai kesungguhan, cepat, berwibawa, sopan, arif, bijaksana tanggap namun kurang tegas. Kedua, nilai estetika dalam karya make up dan kostum Obelix dalam film Asterix At the Olympic Games bedasarkan estetika Monroe Breadsley. (2) Kesatuan Make up Obelix memiliki jenis make up karakter dengan gaya realis. make up Obelix terdiri dari unsur yag melengkung dan bulat, sehingga menyusun wajah gemuk dan memiliki keseimbangan simetris namun kurang proporsional. Obelix memiliki tubuh gemuk sehingga kostum Obelix memiliki keseimbangan simetris namun kurang proporsional dilihat dari perbandingan ukuran tubuh dan ukuran kostum. Kerumitan make up Obelix memiliki kerumitan pada kepangan rambut yang ujungnya diikatkan pada batu kecil dan juga bentuk kumis. Nilai kerumitan pada kostum Obelix dapat dilihat dari bentuk ukuran perut yang amat besar. Kesungguhan make up Obelix adalah arti pekerja keras pemberi solusi, enerjik, garis lengkung dan luwes namun pesimis. Nilai kesungguhan kostum Obelix memiliki makna agak keras, memiliki aura kedamaian dan kesetiaan, dan rasa aman namun, bentuk gemuk orang melihat memiliki kecenderungan rakus dan lamban.
Kata Kunci: Make up, Kostum, Asterix, Obelix, Estetika,, Monroe Beardsley.
This study describes the aesthetic value of the form of makeup and costumes on the character of Asterix and his best friend Obelix on the film Asterix At The Olympic Games. The selection of the film Asterix At The Olympic Games as an object of research because this film was taken from the most popular serial comic version in the world sold up to 350 copies. The film, set in 50 BC, gives a picture of how the struggle of Asterix and Obelix and their friends who came from a small village to the Olympics in Greece. This study aims to 1) describe the aesthetics in the work of asterix make up and costume. 2) describe the aesthetics of Obelix's make up and costume.
This research is a descriptive study and continued to analyze based on the theory of Monroe Beardsley Aesthetics, namely Unity, Complexity, and Seriousness. Data obtained from literature study. Data description about the characters and characters were made observations on the form of make up and costumes and narration / film stories.
The results showed that: (1) Unity in Asterix's make-up is a type of character and a realist style of makeup that has a symmetrical balance and good proportions. Asterix costume has a unitary value that is used as a type of warrior costume, has an asymmetrical balance value and is less proportional. The complexity of Asterix's makeup was formed by his mustache and the Asterix costume had the complexity of the wing on the helmet of war. Seriousness in Asterix makeup tends to have a jovial, sociable yet firm effect. Asterix costume gives the value of sincerity, fast, authoritative, polite, wise, responsive but not assertive. Second, the aesthetic value in the work of Obelix's makeup and costumes in the film Asterix At the Olympic Games is based on the aesthetic of Monroe Breadsley. (2) Unity of Make-up Obelix has a type of character makeup with a realist style. Obelix's makeup is made up of curved and rounded elements, making the face fat and having a symmetrical balance but not proportional. Obelix has a fat body so the Obelix costume has a symmetrical balance but is less proportionate in terms of body size and costume size comparison. The complexity of Obelix's makeup has the complexity of hair braids whose ends are tied to small stones and also the shape of a mustache. The value of complexity in Obelix costumes can be seen from the shape of a very large belly. The seriousness of Obelix's make-up is the meaning of a hard worker providing solutions, energetic, curved lines and flexible but pessimistic. The value of the seriousness of the Obelix costume has a rather harsh meaning, has an aura of peace and loyalty, and a sense of security however, the fat form people see has greedy and sluggish tendencies.
Keywords: Make up, Costumes, Asterix, Obelix, Aesthetics, Monroe Beardsley.