Palm oil shells are one of the overflow biomass ingredients in Indonesia. One interesting alternative because of its renewable nature, the process of formation requires a shorter time. The use biomass is generally used in the household sector particularly in rural areas by burning directly. But if the biomass is just directly burned problems will arise namely low fuel value and high level of pollutant emissions (Fisafarani,2010). Gasification is a form of increasing use of energy contained in biomass materials through a conversion from solid material to syn gas with using the thermal degradation process of organic materials at high temperatures. This research was using quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods which aims to determine the effect ofvariations in the size of palm shells that are burned in the gasifier against the performance of the gasifier using an gasifier type updraft. The variation is done by separating the size of palm shell using a wire mesh with mesh size 2 and mesh size 3. In gasification process Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) is measured at 0,3 or 1,3 m/s. Then it will be observed how the flame temperature, flame height, flame length, and color of syn gas fire. The results of the research obtained are as follows average flame temperature with AFR 0,3 biomass with mesh 2 and mesh 3 is 255 ˚C and 230˚C. Flame height with AFR 0,3 with mesh 2 and mesh 3 obtained an average of 17,4 cm and 16,6 cm. The duration of flame with AFR 0,3 biomass mesh 2 and mesh 3 each is 100 minutes and 80 minutes. While the visualization of the fire is obtained mesh 2 with a blue flame profile and mesh 3 obtained by a reddish-blue flame profile. The best results of this study are biomass with mesh size 2.
Keyword : Palm oil shell, gasification, biomass, gasifier, syn gas