Ekstrak Daun Pepaya Jepang (Cnidosculus aconitifolius) Memperbaiki Kadar Kolesterol, Morfometri dan Histologi Testis Mencit Hiperkolesterolemia
Japanese Papaya Leaf Extract (Cnidosculus aconitifolius) Improves Cholesterol Levels, Testicular Morphometry and Histology of Hypercholesterolemic Mice
Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ekstrak daun pepaya Jepang memperbaiki kadar kolesterol, morfometri, dan histologi testis mencit hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap terbagi dalam 6 kelompok dengan 4 pengulangan. Dosis ekstrak daun pepaya Jepang yang digunakan yakni 11,2; 16,8; 22,4; dan 28 mg/20 g BB. Data warna, bentuk, permukaan testis dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data kadar kolesterol, panjang, diameter, berat, dan perlemakan testis dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA. Data histologi testis dianalisis menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan warna, bentuk, dan permukaan testis pada kelompok kontrol negatif maupun kelompok perlakuan tampak normal, kecuali bentuk testis mengalami atropi pada kelompok kontrol positif dan perlakuan dosis 11,2 mg/20 g BB. Ekstrak daun pepaya Jepang memperbaiki kadar kolesterol sangat signifikan (P<0,000), morfometri signifikan pada panjang testis (P<0,027), diameter testis (P<0,042), sangat signifikan pada berat testis (P<0,000), perlemakan testis (P<0,002), dan kerusakan histologi testis (P<0,000). Disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun pepaya Jepang memperbaiki kadar kolesterol, morfometri, dan histologi testis mencit hiperkolesterolemia dengan dosis terbaiknya adalah 16,8 mg/20 g BB.
Kata kunci: Histologi; Hiperkolesterolemia; Pepaya Jepang; Testis
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the Japanese papaya leaf extract improved cholesterol levels, morphometry, and histology of hypercholesterolemic mice testes. This study used a completely randomized design divided into 6 groups with 4 repetitions. The doses of Japanese papaya leaf extract used were 11.2; 16.8; 22.4; and 28 mg/20 g BW. Data on color, shape, and surface of the testicles were analyzed descriptively. Data on cholesterol levels, length, diameter, weight, and testicular fat were analyzed using the ANOVA test. Testicular histology data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that the color, shape, and surface of the testes in the negative control group and the treatment group looked normal, except that the testicles had atrophy in the positive control group and the treatment dose was 11.2 mg/20 g BW. Japanese papaya leaf extract improved cholesterol levels very significantly (P<0.000), significant morphometry on testicular length (P<0.027), testicular diameter (P<0.042), highly significant on testicular weight (P<0.000), testicular fatness (P<0.002), and testicular histological damage (P<0.000). It was concluded that Japanese papaya leaf extract improved cholesterol levels, morphometry, and testicular histology of hypercholesterolemic mice with the best dose of 16.8 mg/20 g BW.
Key words: Histology; Hypercholesterolemia; Japanese Papaya; Testes