The purpose of this development
research is to produce motion graphic video products to improve
student learning outcomes in communication rhetoric material in learning
communication courses and to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of
video motion graphic media on student learning outcomes. The
development model used is the ADDIE development model with class 2022A research
subjects in the Bachelor of Educational Technology Study Program, Surabaya
State University. Data was collected using questionnaires and tests.
Where is the problem faced by class
2022A students of Educational Technology Study Program, Surabaya State
University, in terms of learning media that still use power point with minimal
simulation of learning material. And in terms of the characteristics of
learning material, rhetorical material is material that is conceptual and has
several sub-materials that are mutually sustainable. And nowadays, the use of
smartphones is permitted on campus, therefore based on needs analysis and
potential problem solving, it is necessary to develop Motion Graphic Video
Development Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Communication
Rhetoric Material in Learning Communication Courses so that students can be
motivated to study independently. independently wherever and whenever you via
their smartphone.
The results of data analysis on the development of Motion
Graphic Video Rhetoric material for learning communication courses are
supported by data (material expert = 94% Very Eligible, media expert =
94% Very Eligible, and individual trial data = 73% Eligible, Small
group trial = 85% Very Eligible, Large group trial = 89% Very Eligible ).
Shows that it is feasible to use for learning activities. Strengthened by the
results of the effectiveness test of the motion graphic video media, namely the
pre-test post-test data for the control class and the experimental class in the
t test, it was obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.003 ≤ 0.005, thus Ha was accepted and
Ho was rejected. So that the motion graphic video media has a significant
influence on student learning outcomes. In the n-gain calculation to determine
the level of effectiveness of the media, the n-gain score (%) in the
experimental group was 63.42%, which means that the media is in the fairly
effective category. Meanwhile, the control class obtained an n-gain percentage
of 53.5% in the less effective category. Referring to these results, it can be
concluded that the motion graphic video media applied is quite
effective used in learning.
Keywords: Development, Motion graphics, ADDIE,