The c ost b udget p lan is an art that estimates the amount of costs
incurred to build buildings or construction projects using information in the
form of work drawings and work plans and requirements. The cost budget plan
has an important role in the development of a project because it can be used as
a reference for the implementation of work. The bid budget plan used for submitting tenders while
the implementation budget plan is the actual cost budget when the project takes
place. the value of the profit or
loss of a project can be known from the difference between the bid budget plan
and the implementation budget plan.
Data needed to calculate the budget plan include bestek, bestek images,
price lists, and calculation standards. Based on the data that has been
obtained, the calculation of the estimated cost budget uses the calculation of
the Bid and Implementation budget plan. The standard used for calculating this
budget plan refers to the Indonesian National Standard ( SNI 2008) and Surabaya Activity Unit Price ( HSPK) in 2017.
The costs
generated from the calculation of the bid cost budget plan in the BPKAD
building in East Java province is Rp. 11,418,403,203.00 . Implementation
budget plan is Rp. 10,409,516,357.00. The results of these
calculations show that the bid budget plan is bigger than the implementation
budget plan with a difference of Rp 873,200,900.00 and a percentage 7.73%.
Keywords: The c ost b udget p lan, Bid cost budget plan,
Implementation cost budget plan, SNI 2008, Surabaya HSPK in 2017.