Nugget ini dibuat dengan melakukan inovasi terhadap penggunaan bahan baku nugget yaitu dengan menggunakan daging ikan lele dengan penambahan daun pepaya jepang. Tujuan uji coba penelitian ini adalah : 1) untuk mengetahui kesukaan panelis terhadap hasil jadi nugget meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa, 2) untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi nugget meliput karbohidrat, protein, lemak, Vit A, Vit E, Vit C per 100g. Metode rekayasa pembuatan nugget ikan lele dengan penambahan daun pepaya jepang dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali. Pengambilan data dengan observasi melalui uji kesukaan terhadap sifat organoleptik terhadap tingkat kesukaan nugget meliputi aroma, rasa, warna, dan tekstur. Pengambilan data dilakukan oleh 30 panelis. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuisioner dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan presentase. Perhitungan harga jual menggunakan cara konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) 60% (20 orang) menyatakan suka sampai cukup suka terhadap warna, 86% (26 orang) menyatakan suka sampai cukup suka terhadap aroma, 94% (28 orang) menyatakan suka sampai cukup suka terhadap rasa, 86% (26 orang) menyatakan suka sampai cukup suka terhadap tekstur, 52% (16 orang) menyatakan suka sampai cukup suka terhadap bentuk. (2) Kandungan gizi nugget ikan lele dengan penambahan daun pepaya Jepang per 100g adalah energi 520,5 kkal, protein 32,8 gram, karbohidrat 77,54g, lemak 17 g, vit A 209 mg, vit E 481 mg, vit C 10,1mg.
These nuggets are made by innovating the use of raw materials for nuggets, namely by using catfish meat with the addition of Japanese papaya leaves. The purposes of this research trial were: 1) to determine the panelists' preference for nuggets including shape, color, aroma, texture, and taste, 2) to determine the nutritional content of nuggets including carbohydrates, protein, fat, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C. C per 100g. The engineering method of making catfish nuggets with the addition of Japanese papaya leaves was carried out three times. Collecting data by observation through a preference test for organoleptic properties on the level of preference for nuggets including aroma, taste, color, and texture. Data collection was carried out by 30 panelists. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques with percentages. Calculation of the selling price using the conventional method. The results showed: 1) 60% (20 people) stated that they liked to quite like the color, 86% (26 people) said they liked it enough to like the aroma, 94% (28 people) said they liked it enough to like the taste, 86% (26 people) stated that they liked to quite like the texture, 52% (16 people) said they liked the shape quite a bit. (2) The nutritional content of catfish nuggets with the addition of Japanese papaya leaves per 100g is energy 520.5 kcal, protein 32.8 grams, carbohydrates 77.54g, fat 17 g, vitamin A 209 mg, vitamin E 481 mg, vitamin C 10 ,1mg.