Perancangan BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) Berbasis Efek Intagram Untuk Pengguna
The Design of BPAC (Basic Physical ActivityChallenge) Based on the Instagram Effect for Smartphone Users
The Design of
(Basic Physical ActivityChallenge)
Based on the Instagram
Effect for Smartphone Users
Pandemi yang terjadi pada saat ini menyebabkan adanya gaya hidup sendentari karena pembatasan kegiatan di luar
rumah. Seiring berjalannya waktu kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan meningkat, namun terbatas oleh pembatasan yang
ditetapkan oleh pemerintah untuk kegiatan di luar rumah yang menimbulkan kerumunan, sehingga membutuhkan media
olahraga yang dapat membantu kegiatan olahraga yang dapat dilakukan dimana saja termasuk di rumah. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk merancang media olahraga yang efektif, efisien dan menarik melalui media sosial yang dapat dibagikan,
produk media tersebut adalah BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) berbasis efek instagram. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan dan menguji keefektifan
suatu produk. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa penjelasan perancangan BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) berbasis
efek instagram yang diujicobakan, serta respon pengguna efek (filter) BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) di platform
Instagram. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba terhadap 34 responden mengenai beberapa elemen, 82.53% menyatakan setuju bahwa
produk tersebut layak diproduksi massal.
Kata Kunci: Perancangan, Media olahraga, dan Efek Instagram
The current pandemic has led to a sedentary lifestyle due to restrictions on activities outside the home. Over time,
public awareness of health has increased, but is limited by restrictions set by the government for activities outside the home
that cause crowds, thus requiring sports media that can help sports activities that can be done anywhere including at home.
This study aims to design an effective, efficient and attractive sports media through social media that can be shared, the
media product is BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) based on the Instagram effect. This study uses the Research and
Development (R&D) method which is used to produce and test the effectiveness of a product. The results of this study are
an explanation of the design of the BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) based on the Instagram effect being tested, as
well as the user's response to the BPAC (Basic Physical Activity Challenge) effect on the Instagram platform. Based on the
results of trials on 34 respondents regarding several elements, 82.53% agreed that the product was worthy of mass
Keywords: Design, Sports Media, and Instagram Effect