Meningkatkan Keterampilan Public Speaking di Tingkat Universitas
Melalui Sesi Singkat TED Talks
Improving Public Speaking Skills at University Level Through TED Talks Short Sessions
For English learners, being able to speak English in public circumstances is a crucial thing in the process ofdelivering and retaining ideas both from speakers and listeners. Nevertheless, this course is one that is oftenshunned from the other language skills like listening, reading, and writing. It also creates feelings of anxietytoward learners. Even scholars argued that students studying English as a second or foreign language arehaving higher rates of experiencing problems. Thus, the researcher was eager to implement digital shortsupplementary material to university students to improve their performances in public speaking classes,namely TED Talks short session videos. This research aim was to investigate the effect of TED Talks oncollege students’ public speaking performances. The study took one month and a half to be finished andinvolved 40 participants as the sample from English Education freshman of Universitas Negeri Surabaya.The students were divided into two groups, which are experimental group and control group. Underexperimental pretest-posttest research design, the students were assessed on their speaking performancesbased on the components set in a speaking rubric. The data were analyzed using independent sample t-testusing SPSS 26. The results of the study showed that there was a difference in the outcome scores betweenthe control group and experimental group which was significant. This was evidenced in the IndependentSample t Test with significance value of 0.00. Then, it was confirmed on the mean data in the experimentalgroup which is 89.10 and the control group which is 83.60. The finding of this research revealed that TEDtalks short sessions can be constructive and beneficial to improve college students’ public speakingperformances.Keywords: public speaking, TED talks, digital video, university level.