Peningkatan jumlah penduduk mengakibatkan banyaknya limbah yang dibuang ke perairan dan berpotensi sebagai pencemar lingkungan, salah satunya ialah deterjen dengan kandungan linear alkil sulfonat (LAS) yang berbahaya. Pengolahan secara fitoremediasi menggunakan tumbuhan Sagittaria lancifolia dirasa tepat karena kemampuannya sebagai hiperakumulator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fitoremediasi pada berbagai konsentrasi larutan deterjen, waktu detensi yang berbeda serta interaksi keduanya terhadap kadar LAS media tanam, kadar klorofil daun dan BOD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan RAK (Rancangan Acak Kelompok) dengan tiga faktor perlakuan. Perlakuan tersebut meliputi fitoremediasi (ada tidaknya tumbuhan), variasi konsentrasi deterjen yang digunakan yaitu 10 ppm, 50 ppm dan 75 ppm serta waktu detensi 7 dan 14 hari, masing-masing dengan 3 kali ulangan. Pengujian kadar LAS dilakukan dengan metode MBAS. Data yang diperoleh berupa persentase penurunan LAS pada media tanam, kadar klorofil daun dan BOD yang dianalisis dengan ANOVA dua arah dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan. Data pendukung berupa faktor fisik meliputi suhu, kelembaban dan intensitas cahaya serta faktor kimia meliputi suhu air dan pH dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh fitoremediasi pada berbagai konsentrasi larutan deterjen, waktu detensi serta interaksi keduanya terhadap kadar LAS media tanam, kadar klorofil daun dan BOD. Hasil rerata persentase penurunan kadar LAS pada media tanam paling optimal ditunjukkan pada konsentrasi 75 ppm dengan waktu detensi 14 hari sebesar 81,53% dan rerata kadar klorofil terendah ditunjukkan pada konsentrasi 75 ppm dengan waktu detensi 14 hari sebesar 14,433 mg/l. Hasil rerata BOD paling baik terdapat pada konsentrasi 10 ppm dengan waktu detensi 14 hari sebesar 25,55 mg/l. Hasil penelitian tersebut membuktikan bahwa tumbuhan Sagittaria lancifolia memiliki kemampuan dalam menyerap deterjen.
Kata kunci: Fitoremediasi, Larutan deterjen, Sagittaria lancifolia.
The increase in population results in large amounts of waste being discharged into the waters and potentially as environmental pollutants, one of which is detergents with dangerous linear alkyl sulfonate (LAS) content. Phytoremediation treatment using the Sagittaria lancifolia plant is considered appropriate because of its ability as a hyperaccumulator. This study aims to determine the effect of phytoremediation on various concentrations of detergent solution, different detention times and the interaction of the two on the LAS levels of the planting media, leaf chlorophyll content and BOD. This research is an experimental study using RAK (Randomized Block Design) with three treatment factors. The treatments included phytoremediation (presence or absence of plants), variations in the concentration of detergent used were 10 ppm, 50 ppm and 75 ppm and detention times 7 and 14 days, each with 3 replications. LAS content testing was performed using the MBAS method. The data obtained in the form of a percentage decrease in LAS in the planting media, leaf chlorophyll content and BOD were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and followed by Duncan's test. Supporting data in the form of physical factors including temperature, humidity and light intensity and chemical factors including water temperature and pH were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that there was an influence of phytoremediation on various concentrations of detergent solution, detention time and the interaction of both of the LAS levels of the planting media, leaf chlorophyll content and BOD. The results of the average percentage reduction in LAS levels in the most optimal planting media were shown at a concentration of 75 ppm with a detention time of 14 days by 81.53% and the lowest average chlorophyll content was shown at a concentration of 75 ppm with a detention time of 14 days of 14,433 mg/l. The best BOD results were found at a concentration of 10 ppm with a detention time of 14 days of 25.55 mg/l. The results of this study prove that the Sagittaria lancifolia plant has the ability to absorb detergents.
Key words: Phytoremediation, Detergent solution, Sagittaria lancifolia.