Penelitian ini bertujuan diantaranya untuk mengetahui hasil pengujian Graphical User Interface pada website online course ruangguru dan zenius dan menganalisis hasil pengujian tersebut dalam uji hipotesis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dimana data output hasil pengujian yang terdiri dari durasi waktu respon (s) dan status keberhasilan baik passed maupun failed yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan pengujian hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan status keberhasilan yang diperoleh website zenpro lebih unggul karena hanya ada satu kasus uji yang memiliki status failed pada running test suite pertama yaitu TC008_Registrasi. Sedangkan pada website skill academy memiliki satu kasus uji yang berstatus failed dalam tiga kali pengujian running test suite yang dilakukan. Sedangkan dari sisi durasi waktu respon kedua website tersebut memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan nya masing-masing. Selain itu melalui perhitungan program SPSS, diperoleh hasil uji hipotesis independent sample t-test dimana lower bernilai negatif yaitu -30.35522 dan upper bernilai positif yaitu 503.27628. Sedangkan Sig. (2-tailed) bernilai 0.081. Maka dapat dikatakan dari data output hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa, Ha ditolak yang berarti Ho diterima. Hal ini berarti uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam performa GUI antara website online course Skill Academy Ruangguru dan Zenpro Zenius yang diuji menggunakan Katalon Studio.
Kata Kunci: Pengujian GUI, Website, Online Course, Skill Academy Ruangguru, Zenpro, Zenius.
This study aims, among other things, to find out the results of the Graphical User Interface testing on the online course websites Ruangguru and Zenius and to analyze the results of these tests in hypothesis testing. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research, in which the output data of the test results consist of the duration of the response time (s) and the status of success, both passed and failed, which is obtained then hypothesis testing is carried out. The results of this study indicate that the success status obtained by the zenpro website is superior because there is only one test case that has failed status in the first running test suite, namely TC008_Registration. Whereas on the skill academy website there is one test case with failed status in the three running test suite tests that were carried out. Meanwhile, in terms of the duration of the response time, the two websites have their respective advantages and disadvantages. In addition, through the calculation of the SPSS program, the results of the independent sample t-test hypothesis test were obtained where the lower is negative, namely -30.35522 and the upper is positive, namely 503.27628. Meanwhile Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.081. So it can be said from the output data the results of this test show that, Ha is rejected, which means Ho is accepted. This means that the hypothesis test shows that there is no significant difference in GUI performance between the online course website Skill Academy Ruangguru and Zenpro Zenius which were tested using Katalon Studio.
Keywords: GUI Testing, Website, Online Course, Skill Academy Ruangguru, Zenpro, Zenius.